Sebanyak 250 item atau buku ditemukan

Sistem informasi terbuka penunjang pembangunan berwawasan lingkungan

prosiding Seminar Peranan Informasi dan Penelitian Sosial Ekonomi Dalam Pembangunan Berwawasan Lingkungan, Jakarta, 3 Desember 1991

Role of information and socioeconomic research in development oriented to environment; proceedings.

Role of information and socioeconomic research in development oriented to environment; proceedings.

Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis

With a useful index of notations at the beginning, this book explains and illustrates the theory and application of data analysis methods from univariate to multidimensional and how to learn and use them efficiently. This book is well illustrated and is a useful and well-documented review of the most important data analysis techniques. Key Features * Describes, in detail, exploratory data analysis techniques from the univariate to the multivariate ones * Features a complete description of correspondence analysis and factor analysis techniques as multidimensional statistical data analysis techniques, illustrated with concrete and understandable examples * Includes a modern and up-to-date description of clustering algorithms with many properties which gives a new role of clustering in data analysis techniques

With a useful index of notations at the beginning, this book explains and illustrates the theory and application of data analysis methods from univariate to multidimensional and how to learn and use them efficiently.

Multivariate Statistical Analysis

A Conceptual Introduction

This classic book provides the much needed conceptual explanations of advanced computer-based multivariate data analysis techniques: correlation and regression analysis, factor analysis, discrimination analysis, cluster analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, perceptual mapping, and more. It closes the gap between spiraling technology and its intelligent application, fulfilling the potential of both.

This classic book provides the much needed conceptual explanations of advanced computer-based multivariate data analysis techniques: correlation and regression analysis, factor analysis, discrimination analysis, cluster analysis, multi ...

Prospek perekonomian Indonesia 1992-1993

suatu tinjauan makroekonomi

Menurut estimasi terakhir dari pemerintah total hutang Indonesia pada saat ini
adalah $ 78 milyar dimana $ 23 milyar terdiri dari hutang swasta . Estimasi untuk
1991 / 92 menunjukkan bahwa pembayaran hutang luar negeri ( bunga dan ...

Seminar Pemilikan Saham oleh Koperasi Karyawan di Perusahaan-Perusahaan Swasta

Seminar on ownership of shares by cooperative associations of private firm employees; proceedings.

Kehadiran manager - manager priofesional yang memiliki ketrampilan bisnis
dibarengi dengan pembesar modal yang antara lain bersumber dari simpanan
pokok , simpanan wajib , simpanan sukarela , bantuan uang dari Perusahaan
dan ...

Promosi dan informasi pasar modal Indonesia

Development of stock exchange in Indonesia.

Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank adalah lembaga keuangan sebagaimana
dimaksud dalam Surat Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 38 / KMK / IV / 1 /
1972 sebagaimana telah diubah terakhir dengan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan
280 ...

Pendewasaan pasar modal

The Indonesian stock market; collection of articles.

Barangkali , karena karakteristiknya yang khusus , lembaga keuangan , lebih -
lebih lagi , semakin cepat melaksanakan proses institutionalisasinya . Bank ,
LKBB ( Lembaga Keuangan Bukan Bank ) , asuransi , dan kini pasar modal
begerak ...