Sebanyak 277 item atau buku ditemukan

Proceedings of Second Asian Conference on Mycorrhiza

Bogor, Indonesia, 11 - 15 March 1991

Paper presented at the First National Seminar on Leucaena leucocephala. BPPT,
Jakarta 23-25 August 1981. Ministry of Research and Technology. Nuhamara,
S.T. 1982b. Fungi associated with Pinus merkusii Jungh et de Vriese Plantation.
BIOTROP/AR/82/464. Bogor, Indonesia. Nuhamara, S.T. 1984. Mycorrhizae, new
dimension on weed control in agricultural land. Paper presented on Seventh
Indonesian Weed Science Association (HIGI) Conference, 14 - 16 February 1984

The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers

British literary history teems with accomplished women writers, boasting the likes of Jane Austen and George Eliot, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Maria Edgeworth and Fanny Burney, Mary Wollstonecraft and Annie Besant, Fay Weldon and Iris Murdoch, Margaret Drabble and A.S. Byatt, and so on. The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers provides in a single volume an accessible and stimulating guide to over four hundred British women writers, ranging from medieval mystics such as Julian of Norwich to modern novelists such as Anita Brookner and Edna O'Brien. Shattock includes novelists, poets, and playwrights, together with mystics, diarists, travel writers, scientists--even mystery writers such as Agatha Christie, Ngaio Marsh, and P.D. James. A number of non-British writers who have influenced British literature also appear, including Anne Bradstreet, Sylvia Plath, Nadine Gordimer, Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Doris Lessing, and Katherine Mansfield. Arranged alphabetically, the entries provide a brief outline of each woman's life, her major publications, contemporary critical reception, and an evaluation of significant features of her work, together with suggestions for further reading. In addition, the Guide features subject entries and provides an extensive general bibliography on women's writing. Concise, informative and well-organized, The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers will be an invaluable handbook for everyone interested in women's writing.

The Oxford Guide to British Women Writers provides in a single volume an accessible and stimulating guide to over four hundred British women writers, ranging from medieval mystics such as Julian of Norwich to modern novelists such as Anita ...


A witty and entertaining guide to the use of Latin expressions for one's own advantage in the modern world.

A witty and entertaining guide to the use of Latin expressions for one's own advantage in the modern world.

Slaves of Sleep & the Masters of Sleep

Young, wealthy, and good-looking, Jan Palmer leads the kind of life most of us would die for. He has it all—except for one thing: happiness. Trapped under the weight of his responsibilities to his family, his business, and his life, he wishes only to escape to another world. But you have to be careful what you wish for. Waking out of a deep sleep, Jan finally finds escape—into a living nightmare. He surprises a prowler who has broken into his mansion, attempting to steal from his priceless collection of antiques. There is a scuffle. An ancient copper jar is opened... and all hell breaks loose. For not just any copper jar, it has long imprisoned a powerful and ruthless Jinni, whose anger has been bottled up for centuries. The Jinni kills the thief and curses Jan to eternal wakefulness. Jan finds himself straddling two parallel dimensions. On earth he is his mild-mannered self, falsely imprisoned for murder. But in the world beyond, where the sleep-souls of humans are enslaved by the Jinn, he is a swashbuckling warrior facing death at every turn. In an exotic world of dark arts, deadly secrets, and dangerous dancing girls, he is drawn into the great battle between the Masters of Sleep and the Slaves of Sleep. He will uncover clues to the magic at the heart of history—and discover that the destiny of all humankind lies in his hands. Abounding in untold mystery and revelation, this eye-opening tale may just wake you out of a dead sleep. “I stayed up all night finishing it. The yarn scintillated.” —Ray Bradbury

Abounding in untold mystery and revelation, this eye-opening tale may just wake you out of a dead sleep. “I stayed up all night finishing it. The yarn scintillated.” —Ray Bradbury

Pancasila budaya bangsa Indonesia

penelitian Pancasila dengan pendekatan, historis, filosofis & sosio-yuridis kenegaraan

Research of the Pancasila, Indonesia's state philosophy.

Babi PENDAHULUAN A. Permasalahan Kalau orang bicara tentang Pancasila
pada masa sekarang pikirannya langsung tertuju pada Pancasila yang
dirumuskan dalam alinea ke-4 Pembukaan Undang-undang Dasar 1945 (UUD
1945), sebab itulah Pancasila yang secara resmi ditetapkan oleh Instruksi
Presiden No. 12 Tahun 1968 (Inpres No. 12/1968). Rumusan Pancasila itu
berbunyi: "... Ketoehanan Jang Maha Esa, kemanoesiaan jang adil dan beradab,
persatoean Indonesia, ...

GIS Data Conversion Handbook

This landmark book addresses the data conversion issues involved in geographic information systems (GIS) technology. Converting paper-based maps to digital files can be expensive, complicated, and time consuming. It is the first comprehensive handbook that cohesively integrates the many complex issues of data conversion into a single publication for the GIS professional as well as for the student or layperson. Written and edited by international authorities on GIS conversion, the handbook covers the subject from basic conversion issues and map digitizing to advanced data capture techniques.

Therefore, it is possible to access and join information temporarily during its use,
allowing the creation of data relationships that were not considered in the original
database design. Nevertheless, RDBMS also require good database designs to
ensure efficient processing and fast access to frequently used data. Databases
must be carefully designed so that they can hold specific information and so that
meaningful information can be extracted from them. A DBMS or RDBMS allows
for ...