Sebanyak 315 item atau buku ditemukan

Kamus istilah sastra

Indonesian dictionary of literary terms.

Dalam hal sastra Indonesia, istilah itu hendaknya istilah yang relevan de- ngan
kenyataan kesusastraan Indonesia itu, ... Memang hanis diakui bah- wa
sebagian besar istilah itu berasal dari sastra Barat, Tetapi penyera- pannya
mengikuti langkah-langkah pembentukan istilah Indonesia. ... apre- siasi sastra,
Pusat Pembinaan dan Pengambangan Bahasa telah berhasil menyusun sebuah
kamus sastra.

Sistem informasi manajemen pertanahan terpadu dalam menunjang sistem informasi manajemen nasional

Integrated agrarian managerial information system in the context of application of national management information system in Indonesia; paper.

Integrated agrarian managerial information system in the context of application of national management information system in Indonesia; paper.

Programming in ANSI C

Discusses the fundamental features of the C computer programming language and offers guidance on techniques for writing programs in C. (Beginner).

Discusses the fundamental features of the C computer programming language and offers guidance on techniques for writing programs in C. (Beginner).

Design of Analog Integrated Circuits and Systems

It follows with a thorough treatment of design operational and operational transconductance amplifiers, and concludes with a unified presentation of sample-data and continuous-time signal processing systems

It follows with a thorough treatment of design operational and operational transconductance amplifiers, and concludes with a unified presentation of sample-data and continuous-time signal processing systems

Principles of Applied Statistics

Principles of Applied Statistics provides the reader with a comprehensive overview of statistical techniques and their applications. Explaining the methods of information management with reference to computer packages including MINITAB, this text will develop the skills of the manager seeking to use information accurately and effectively.

Explaining the methods of information management with reference to computer packages including MINITAB, this text will develop the skills of the manager seeking to use information accurately and effectively.


Men & Women Speaking Each Other's Language at Work

Shows men and women how to be more flexible toward each other in the workplace, and discusses open-mindedness, interpersonal feedback, and the prevention of sexual harassment

Shows men and women how to be more flexible toward each other in the workplace, and discusses open-mindedness, interpersonal feedback, and the prevention of sexual harassment

101 Résumés for Sure-hire Results

This book features actual resume samples for eighty-five occupations and dozens of practical ideas to highlight strengths, downplay weaknesses, and present qualifications dramatically and effectively.