Sebanyak 315 item atau buku ditemukan

The Economics of Rapid Growth

The Experience of Japan and Korea

In The Economics of Rapid Growth, Dirk Pilat uses catch up theory to explain why countries with lower levels of income can use the technology of more advanced economies to foster growth and industralisation. His analysis emphasises the importance of pre-existing education levels, financial and commercial institutions and infrastructure to explain the rapid economic growth of Japan and Korea. A growth accounting framework is used to show the contribution of capital, labour and land to the rapid economic growth from the early 1950s. This growth is put in an international perspective by detailed sectoral productivity comparisons which include discussion of some of the measurement problems implicit in international comparisons. The final parts of the book look at the links between productivity and competitiveness, as well as the role of trade policy and exports in productivity growth. This acclaimed new book will be widely read by researchers, students and policy makers concerned with growth, development and the emergence of two of the most powerful economies in the modern world.

problem here is that information on prices and quantities of inputs is even more
difficult to derive than information on output prices and quantities. For the
agricultural sector some detailed double deflated estimates have been made (
van der ...

Multicomponent Crystals Based on Heavy Metal Fluorides for Radiation Detectors

D., Vasilchenko V.G., New multicomponent heavy metal fluoride crystals for high
energy physics, Intern. Workshop "Crystal 2000", Chamonix, France, September
22 - 26, 1992, Proceedings, 406. .3. Antipov A.V., Britvich G.I., Chumakov A.A., ...

Himpunan peraturan perundang-undangan mengenai Perizinan Sektor Pemerintahan Umum, Sektor Agraria/Pertanahan. . .

... jalan meningkatkan efisiensi produksi, memperbaiki mutu barang,
memperlancar angkutan dan lain-lain. Langkah tersebut di atas telah
dilaksanakan sejak tahun 1972 yaitu dengan ditetapkannya Peraturan
Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 1972 tentang Bonded Warehouse sebagaimana
telah diubah dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 31 Tahun 1977. Namun
demikian, dalam rangka usaha meningkatkan efisiensi produksi, memperbaiki
mutu barang, dan memperlancar angkutan ...

Pegangan penghulu, bundo kanduang, dan pidato alua pasambahan adat di Minangkabau

Function and duties of a village head, the status of women, and ceremonial speeches in Minangkabau.

Sesuai dengan ketentuan yang terdapat dalam alam semesta yang merupakan
guru tempat belajar dan mengambil iktibar bagi nenek- moyang orang
Minangkabau dahulunya, dalam menyusun adat itu sendiri tentang keturunan
manusia ...

Islam dan dunia kontemporer

Karenanya, menghadapi upaya tersebut, kita harus menambah sikap ketelitian
dan kritis. ... perbedaan yang ditinjau dari sisi sosial, politik, dan ekonomi, di
antaranya, perbedaan negara, lingkungan hidup, tradisi, serta kebiasaan hidup.

Code Compliance for Advanced Technology Facilities

A Comprehensive Guide for Semiconductor and other Hazardous Occupancies

Facilities which utilize hazardous liquids and gases represent a significant potential liability to the owner, operator, and general public in terms of personnel safety and preservation of assets. It is obvious that a catastrophic incident or loss of property or personnel is to be avoided at all costs. This book was conceived to give the reader a guide to understanding the requirements of the various codes and regulations that apply to the design, construction, and operation of facilities utilizing hazardous materials in their processes.

This book was conceived to give the reader a guide to understanding the requirements of the various codes and regulations that apply to the design, construction, and operation of facilities utilizing hazardous materials in their processes.