Sebanyak 354 item atau buku ditemukan

Ensiklopedi al-Qur'an

tafsir sosial berdasarkan konsep-konsep kunci

Encyclopedia of Koran.

tafsir sosial berdasarkan konsep-konsep kunci M. Dawam Rahardjo, Budhy
Munawar Rachman. ingat kepada Allah serta memohon ampun atas dosanya.
Kita sering tidak sadar, bahwa al-Qur'an sudah memberi definisi yang jelas
mengenai taqwa, lalu membuat pengertian sendiri tentang hal itu (lihat, "Taqwa
dalam al-Qur'an," dalam Taqwa). Misalnya, kita sering mendengar orang
berkhutbah menerjemahkan taqwa dengan takut (kepada Allah), sebaliknya
saya pribadi belum ...

The Food Web of a Tropical Rain Forest

Destruction of tropical rain forests has increased exponentially in recent years, as have efforts to conserve them. However, information essential to these conservation programs—an understanding of the population dynamics of the community at risk—is often unavailable to the scientists and resource managers who need it most. This volume helps fill the gap by presenting a comprehensive description and analysis of the animal community of the tropical rain forest at El Verde, Puerto Rico. Building on more than a decade of field research, the contributors weave the complex strands of information about the energy flow within the forest—who eats whom—into a powerful tool for understanding community dynamics known as a food web. This systematic approach to organizing the natural histories of the many species at El Verde also reveals basic patterns and processes common to all rain forests, making this book a valuable contribution for anyone concerned with studying and protecting these fragile ecosystems.

This volume helps fill the gap by presenting a comprehensive description and analysis of the animal community of the tropical rain forest at El Verde, Puerto Rico.

The Penguin guide to synonyms and related words

Taking 6,000 commonly used - and confused - synonyms, this unique guide is much more useful than a straight thesaurus because it offers both a definition of each word, and then an explanation of how to use it in the correct context. Words of similar meaning are grouped together in helpful thematic sections, making it easier to find just the right one. Offering more detail and more of the subtle nuances of our vocabulary than a thesaurus, this is a reference must for anyone with an interest in language.'More helpful than a thesaurus, more humane than a dictionary, [it] maps linguistic boundaries with precision, sensitivity and, on occasion, dry wit ... a delightful book' The TLS.

Taking 6,000 commonly used - and confused - synonyms, this unique guide is much more useful than a straight thesaurus because it offers both a definition of each word, and then an explanation of how to use it in the correct context.

Kamus agraria

Indonesian dictionary of agricultural terms.

Rencana Tata Ruang wilayah Kabupaten/Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II
merupakan penjabaran Rencana Tata Ruang wilayah Propinsi Daerah Tingkat I
ke dalam strategi pelaksanaan pemanfaatan ruang wilayah Kabupaten/
Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II, yang meliputi : a. tujuan pemanfaatan ruang
wilayah Kabupaten/Kotamadya Daerah Tingkat II untuk peningkatan
kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertahanan keamanan; b. rencana struktur dan
pola pemanfaatan ruang wilayah ...

Penegakan hukum sebagai sarana untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945

Evaluation of the implementation of law enforcement and justice based on Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia and 1945 Constitution; paper.

Evaluation of the implementation of law enforcement and justice based on Pancasila, the state philosophy of Indonesia and 1945 Constitution; paper.

Penelitian hukum tentang penerapan nilai-nilai filosofis, sosiologis, dan yuridis dalam pembentukan perundang-undangan nasional

Indonesia, legislation; bill drafting, philosophical aspect; research.

4/1992 tentang Lalu lintas dan Angkutan Jalan" dijumpai ketentuan sebagai
berikut. "Transportasi jalan sebagai salah satu roda transportasi nasional
diselenggarakan berdasarkan asas manfaat, usaha bersama dan kekeluargaan,
adil dan merata, keseimbangan, kepentingan umum, keterpaduan, kesadaran
hukum, dan percaya diri sendiri" (pasal 2). Apa yang dicantumkan dalam asas-
asas tersebut memang dapat memberikan acuan bagi perilaku pemakai
jalandan pemaknaan ...

Handbook of Carcinogenic Potency and Genotoxicity Databases

This unique new reference contains the Carcinogenic Potency Database (CPDB), which analyzes results of decades of animal cancer tests, including all Technical Reports of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) and the general published literature. A guide to the literature of animal cancer tests, the CPDB includes references to each published experiment and never-before published analyses. For each of 5,000 long-term experiments on 1,300 chemicals, the user-friendly format includes data on the species, strain, and sex of the test animal; features of experimental protocol such as the route of administration, duration of dosing, dose levels, and duration of the experiment; histopathology and tumor incidence; the shape of the dose-response curve; published author's opinion about the carcinogenicity at each site; and reference to the original publication of the test results. In addition, a measure of carcinogenic potency, the TD50, its statistical significance and confidence limits, are given for each tumor site. An overview is provided of earlier publication updates, such as positivity rates, reproducibility, interspecies extrapolation, and ranking possible carcinogenic hazards. The book also includes a summary of the NTP genetic toxicity test results on 1,500 chemicals, which are referenced to the original publications, including the Salmonella (Ames) test, L5178Y mouse lymphoma cell mutation test, chromosome aberration and sister chromatid exchange tests in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells, and the sex-linked recessive lethal mutation test in Drosophila melanogaster. An index with chemicals listed by CAS number allows cross referencing between the carcinogenicity and genotoxicity databases, making data easy to find.

يم«قكترلمقلل Lois ولمححءأهمة Gold, و»اطا has developed and directs the علمتهبي«
سقسبه Potency Database at the لإاةساا ك California at Berkeley and the فيتا
ثهسهسا Berkeley Nation صا-اتا for عل years. She has examined the تهاهكع حس»
سحت and data that underlie regulatory policy, emphasize a broadened
perspective . cancer risk assessment. In more than »لآ papers, she has
addressed such عع»و٨ » setting priorities ولاة عسير cancer hazards, the
background of human expo- ...