Sebanyak 438 item atau buku ditemukan

Pertumbuhan demokrasi, penegakan hukum, dan perlindungan hak asasi manusia

Democracy, law enforcement, and human rights in Indonesia; collection of articles previously published.

Democracy, law enforcement, and human rights in Indonesia; collection of articles previously published.

Negara, demokrasi, dan hak asasi manusia dalam tataran Islam dan hukum positif

Islam and politics, democracy and religious freedom in Indonesia; Islamic viewpoint; papers of discussions.

Islam and politics, democracy and religious freedom in Indonesia; Islamic viewpoint; papers of discussions.

The Rise and Decline of the Medici Bank, 1397-1494

A classic history of banking and trade in the medieval period, combining superb research and analysis with graceful writing. The Medici Bank was the most powerful banking house of the 15th century. Headquartered in Florence, Italy, it established branches in Rome, Venice, Geneva, Lyons, Bruges, London, and many other cities. The bank served as financial agent of the Church, extended credit to monarchs, and facilitated international trade in Western Europe. By their personal influence and the use of their profits, the owners and administrators of the bank contributed significantly to the development of Florence as the greatest center of the Renaissance.

A classic history of banking and trade in the medieval period, combining superb research and analysis with graceful writing.

Love on the Left Bank

Photographs by Ed Van der Elsken A new edition of one of the classics of photography by one of the greatest photographers of the twentieth century. Originally published in 1954, and long out of print, this is a facsimile edition of the original and has been printed from the negatives held by the Netherlands Photo Archive. The work focuses on the Left Bank of Paris at the time when the area was recognised as a centre of creative ferment which would determine the cultural agenda of a generation. 200 plates.

Originally published in 1954, and long out of print, this is a facsimile edition of the original and has been printed from the negatives held by the Netherlands Photo Archive.

Departemen Perhubungan, Departemen Pariwisata Seni & Budaya, Departemen Koperasi, Departemen Tenaga Kerja, Departemen Transmigrasi & Perambah Hutan, Departemen Kehutanan & Perkebunan

End-of-office report of former President Habibie's cabinet, May 1998-Oct. 1999.

Dengan bentuk praktek - praktek bisnis konglo- merasi yang ditempatkan sebagai engine of growth , didukung oleh praktek - praktek yang kolusif , pada akhirnya telah membuat rapuhnya basis ekonomi nasional .

Etika partai politik

berbeda baju bukan berarti musuh : prosiding Lokakarya Dialog Antara Partai Politik Dengan Masyarakat Guna Menghindari Kekerasan Dalam Pemilu 1999

Political parties and the Indonesian 1999 general election; proceedings.

... kemasyarakatan atau organisasi profesi tersusun secara koorporatis yang sepenuhnya dikooptasi oleh negara . ... akumulasi masalah dalam bidang ekonomi yang ambruk , birokrasi yang korup , dan hukum yang sangat konservatif .

Etika komunikasi massa dalam pandangan Islam

Journalistic ethics from Islamic perspective.

Seorang yang melanggar etika dapat saja - dikucilkan oleh lingkungan profesinya . Pendapat umum bisa menjadi negatif sebagai akibat dari tindakan melanggar etika profesi . Di sini , etika dapat dianggap menjadi sumber hukum positif .

Pedoman umum dana pembangunan propinsi tahung anggaran 1999/2000

Memelihara dan mempertahankan pela yanan jaringan irigasi untuk mendukung
produksi pangan Jalan dan jembatan Tetap mantan , dan pelayman irigasi yang
mantap • DPRD • Masyarakat langsung ke kas Cherah , kecuali proyek yang ...

Prosiding Seminar Pemberdayaan Aset Perekonomian Rakyat Melalui Strategi Kemitraan Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam di Kabupaten Jember

Collaborative partnership for natural resources management in Jember, Indonesia.

Karena pada dasarnya kemitraan merupakan upaya pembangunan secara utuh
untuk secara bersama - sama memanfaatkan peluang bisnis dalam rangka
peningkatan pendapatan dan taraf hidup petani . Namun demikian kemitraan
usaha ...