Sebanyak 438 item atau buku ditemukan

Tuntunan Lengkap Mengurus Jenazah

Hanya saja, sebagian besar permasalahan yang ada dalam kandungan buku ini
—terutama dalil-dalilnya, seperti ayat-ayat Al-Qur'an dan hadits— pernah saya
kemukakan dalam banyak karya tulis saya. Maka saya hanya ... Selain itu, pada
permulaan penyusunan buku ini saya kemukakan banyak permasalahan yang
umumnya tidak dikemukakan dalam kitab-kitab fikih, seperti masalah wasiat,
tanda-tanda husnul-khatimah (kematianyang baik) dan lainnya. Semuanya
ditujukan ...

Tropical Forest Ecology

A View from Barro Colorado Island

In Tropical Forest Ecology, Egbert G. Leigh, Jr., one of the world's foremost tropical ecologists, introduces readers to the tropical forest and describes the intricate web of interdependence among the great diversity of tropical plants and animals. Focusing on the tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panama, Leigh shows what Barro Colorado can tell us about other tropical forests--and what tropical forests can tell us about Barro Colorado. This book considers three essential questions for understanding the ecological organization of tropical forests. How do they stay green with their abundance of herbivores? Why do they have such a diversity of plants and animals? And what role does mutualism play in the ecology of tropical forests? Beautifully written and abundantly illustrated, Tropical Forest Ecology will certainly appeal to a wide variety of scientists in the fields of evolution, tropical biology, botany, zoology, and natural history.

This book considers three essential questions for understanding the ecological organization of tropical forests. How do they stay green with their abundance of herbivores? Why do they have such a diversity of plants and animals?

Tropical Rain Forests

Differentiates a tropical rain forest from all others, and describes its typical plant and animal life.

Differentiates a tropical rain forest from all others, and describes its typical plant and animal life.

Tropical Rainforest

World Heritage Australia

Guide to Australian rainforests. Presented in five parts - Queensland's wet tropics, how the rainforest works, into the rainforests, saving the rainforests, and a section on enjoying the rainforests, which includes a destination guide with maps. Looks at climate and seasons, biological diversity, regrowth and succession, chemical warfare, nightlife, waterfalls, and fire and rain. Includes full-colour photos and index. Author/photographer has written and photographed several books previously including 'Visions of a Rainforest', winner of the C J Dennis Award for natural history writing, and 'Sharing Culture: Uluru'.

Presented in five parts - Queensland's wet tropics, how the rainforest works, into the rainforests, saving the rainforests, and a section on enjoying the rainforests, which includes a destination guide with maps.

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Old West

Little known lore about pioneers, easy to understand explanations of land agreements, fascinating adventures of Native Americans, and photos the people of the ole West.

Austin: University of Texas Press, 1982. Dorsett, Lyle W. The Queen City, A
History of Denver. Boulder, Colorado: Pruett Publishing Co., 1977. Drago, Harry
Sinclair. Great American Cattle Trails. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1965. Eagle
and Walking Turtle. Indian America, A Traveler's Companion. Santa Fe: John
Muir Publications, 1989. Ehrlich, Eugene and Carruth, Gorton. The Oxford
Illustrated Literary Guide to the United States. New York, Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 1982.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 13 tahun 1998 Tentang Kesejahteraan Lanjut Usia

Indonesian law on social services for the aged.

Indonesian law on social services for the aged.

Informasi peraturan perundang-undangan Departemen Kehutanan

... 2 3 1 0 laksanakan, tidak 5 RKLPH 2 2 1 0 lengkap, belum be - 6 RKPH 1 I 0,5
0 nar. B Aspek Kontinuitas Produksi 40 1 Perkiraan Produksi Virgin Forest 10 10
5 0 c : Sebagian kecil 2 Pemeliharaan Hutan Bekas Tebangan 8 4 0
dilaksanakan. 3 Kebun Bibit/Kebun PangkasATegakan Benih 6 6 4 2 tidak
lengkap, 4 Penanaman Tanah Kosong 5 5 3 1 belum benar Petak Ukur
Permanen 5 3 1 atau tidak dilak Peralatan Pengusahaan Hutan 3 2 1 sanakan.
Sarana Jalan Angkutan 3 3 L ...