Sebanyak 500 item atau buku ditemukan

Pendidikan arsitektur meniti masa depan


Architectural education and the future.

Tabel 2 : Kurikulum Jurusan Arsitektur FT - UMS Tahun 2000 SMT 1 NNNNNN SKS 1 2 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 19 2 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 3 MATA KULIAH SKS SMT MATA KULIAH Agama Islam I 1 5 Agama Islam III Pancasila 2 Teknologi Bahan III Matematika I 2 Teori ...

Identitas dan ciri khas pendidikan Kristen di Indonesia antara konseptual dan operasional

Education in Christian schools in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Setiap siswa / peserta didik berhak memperoleh pendidikan agama sesuai agama yang dianutnya . 2. Pendidikan agama diberikan oleh guru pendidikan agama atau guru pendidikan agama tidak tetap atau pembina agama . 3 .

Pendidikan rohani

Memahami Islam sebagai agama , manhaj , dakwah , harakah , jamaah , dan pendidikan . 2. Ikhlas dalam beramal demi agama Islam . 3. Merindukan jihad fisabilillah dan berjihad menghadapi musuh - musuh Allah . 4.

Jurnal ekonomi dan pembangunan

... ABAD KE 21 ( J. Supranto ) ANALISIS TUGAS MANAJERIAL DI INDUSTRI ( Yayu M. Zainar dan Rachmini Saparita ) PERKEMBANGAN INDUSTRI GARMEN DI BALI SEJAK AKHIR TAHUN 1980 - AN ( Thee Kian Wie ) RESENSI BUKU ( Y.B Widodo ) 114 Vol .

Software Engineering

An Engineering Approach

A clear-cut, practical approach to software development! Emphasizing both the design and analysis of the technology, Peters and Pedrycz have written a comprehensive and complete text on a quantitative approach to software engineering. As you read the text, you'll learn the software design practices that are standard practice in the industry today. Practical approaches to specifying, designing and testing software as well as the foundations of Software Engineering are also presented. And the latest information in the field, additional experiments, and solutions to selected problems are available at the authors's web site (httpp// Key Features * Thorough coverage is provided on the quantitative aspects of software Engineering including software measures, software quality, software costs and software reliability. * A complete case study allows students to trace the application of methods and practices in each chapter. * Examples found throughout the text are in C++ and Java. * A wide range of elementary and intermediate problems as well as more advanced research problems are available at the end of each chapter. * Students are given the opportunity to expand their horizons through frequent references to related web pages.

Key Features * Thorough coverage is provided on the quantitative aspects of software Engineering including software measures, software quality, software costs and software reliability. * A complete case study allows students to trace the ...