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Handbook for Defining and Setting Up a Food Security Information and Early Warning System (FSIEWS)

The World Food Summit, held in Rome in November 1996, recognized the urgency of improving the information available to governments, their international partners and all members of civil society in every country, in order to guide their actions against food insecurity and to make them as effective as possible. As a result, in 1997 the FIVIMS (Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System) initiative was launched as a cooperative venture, with secretariat functions being assured by FAO, among about 20 multi- or bilateral organizations and inter- or non-governmental organizations, in order to assist countries and the international community to identify the "who, where and why" threatened by food insecurity. Even before the Summit, many countries had established approaches for this purpose based on multidisciplinary networks, at national and local levels. One of these approaches, developed first in French-speaking Africa, and with which FAO has accumulated a rich experience from its support and participation, is the FSIEWS method (Food Security Information and Early Warning System) proposed in this handbook as one of the tools available to those engaged in the fight against hunger. This contribution to the FIVIMS initiative is addressed to the national technical officers at central and decentralized level, as well as to their collaborators from the technical assistance community. The handbook aims to propose both a way and a set of tools which can be used at different stages.

management of the database by the FSIEWS coordinating unit (the database
managers to be chosen from among FSIEWS managers) and assisted by
technical staff from the main information provider services. They should receive
more advanced training in computing and database management. It is very
difficult, and, above all, not in the didactic grain, to propose ideal lists (of direct or
indirect indicators, warning signals or other type of information) for setting up the
food security ...

Handbook of Terminology Management: Application-oriented terminology management

The Handbook of Terminology Management is a unique work designed to meet the practical needs of terminologists, translators, lexicographers, subject specialists (e.g., engineers, medical professionals, etc.), standardizers and others who have to solve terminological problems in their daily work.In more than 900 pages, the Handbook brings together contributions from approximately 50 expert authorities in the field. The Handbook covers a broad range of topics integrated from an international perspective and treats such fundamental issues as: practical methods of terminology management; creation and use of terminological tools (terminology databases, on-line dictionaries, etc.); terminological applications.The high level of expertise provided by the contributors, combined with the wide range of perspectives they represent, results in a thorough coverage of all facets of a burgeoning field. The lay-out of the Handbook is specially designed for quick and for cross reference, with hypertext and an extensive index.See also "Handbook of Terminology Management" set (volumes 1 and 2).

Database. Management. Methods. 8.1.1. Criteria. for. Evaluating. Terminology.
Database. Management. Programs. KLAUS-DIRK SCHMTTZ 1 INTRODUCTION
Today there is a wide range of dedicated software tools for supporting translation,
documentation, and technical writing as well for accessing subject-specific
information. These programs include computer-aided translation systems,
information and documentation systems, electronic dictionaries, and
terminological databases ...

The Handbook for Reluctant Database Administrators

Feeling reluctant? The Handbook for Reluctant Database Administrators provides you with a solid grasp of what you'll need to design, build, secure, and maintain a database. Author Josef Finsel writes from an understanding point of view; he also crossed over from programming to database administration. Furthermore, database administration veteran Francis Stanisci comments throughout the book, sharing insight from his own years of experience.

feel like they're on the receiving end of that “sledgehammer.” Performance issues
can come back to haunt us, almost with a vengeance, and all too often it's not for
lack of proper planning. After all, we frequently build databases based on
unrealistic or even nonexistent specifications. Still, we try to simulate what we
believe the load characteristics will be like, such as the quantity of data to expect,
the type ...

Around the World in ...1200

Surveys important occurrences in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas around the year 1200.

Surveys important occurrences in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas around the year 1200.

TOEFL test 必須英単語 5000


長年、TOEFL TEST問題対策に取り組んできた著者が、過去問を徹底分析し選び出した頻出単語を収録。聴覚・視覚・発声のすべてを活用し、部分と全体を関連づけながら覚えるから自然に身につく。スコア250点突破を可能にする必修単語を本書で完全マスター。キーフレーズと英文をCDに収録。耳と口で完璧に暗記できる。

Encyclopedia of Ethics: P-W

A revised, expanded and updated edition with contributions by 325 renowned authorities in the field of ethics. All of the original articles have been newly peer-reviewed and revised, bibliographies have been updated throughout, and the overall design of the work has been enhanced for easier access to cross-references and other reference features.

Whether professional norms promoting legal rights, health, the provision of news
and information, and so on can create similar limitations or augmentations of
authority is a fundamental question in professional ethics. This question is to be
answered for each profession by appeal to institutional structure and the place of
the professional within that structure. Sometimes it can be shown that an
institution that limits professional practice to the pursuit of particular goals or
values produces ...