Sebanyak 638 item atau buku ditemukan

Pendidikan kewarganegaraan

Segala puja dan puji serta syukur kami sampaikan kepada Allah , Tuhan Yang Maha Esa lagi Maha Kuasa yang telah melimpahkan rahmat dan karunia - Nya kepada kami hingga buku “ Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan ” dengan Ma'unah - Nya semata juga ...

Multivariate Data Analysis

In Practice : an Introduction to Multivariate Data Analysis and Experimental Design

"Multivariate Data Analysis - in practice adopts a practical, non-mathematical approach to multivariate data analysis. The book's principal objective is to provide a conceptual framework for multivariate data analysis techniques, enabling the reader to apply these in his or her own field. Features: Focuses on the practical application of multivariate techniques such as PCA, PCR and PLS and experimental design. Non-mathematical approach - ideal for analysts with little or no background in statistics. Step by step introduction of new concepts and techniques promotes ease of learning. Theory supported by hands-on exercises based on real-world data. A full training copy of The Unscrambler (for Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 or later versions) including data sets for the exercises is available. Tutorial exercises based on data from real-world applications are used throughout the book to illustrate the use of the techniques introduced, providing the reader with a working knowledge of modern multivariate data analysis and experimental design. All exercises use The Unscrambler, a de facto industry standard for multivariate data analysis software packages. Multivariate Data Analysis in Practice is an excellent self-study text for scientists, chemists and engineers from all disciplines (non-statisticians) wishing to exploit the power of practical multivariate methods. It is very suitable for teaching purposes at the introductory level, and it can always be supplemented with higher level theoretical literature."Résumé de l'éditeur.

The book's principal objective is to provide a conceptual framework for multivariate data analysis techniques, enabling the reader to apply these in his or her own field.

Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis

& This market leader offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations. Gives readers the knowledge necessary to make proper interpretations and select appropriate techniques for analyzing multivariate data. Starts with a formulation of the population models, delineates the corresponding sample results, and liberally illustrates everything with examples. & Offers an abundance of examples and exercises based on real data.& Appropriate for experimental scientists in a variety of disciplines.

& This market leader offers a readable introduction to the statistical analysis of multivariate observations.

Mark Plus on Strategy 12 Tahun Perjalanan Markplus & Co Membangun Strategi Perusahaan

Bahasa dan sastra

pura , dan Filipina serta negara bekas Mengingat sejarah kolonialisasi dan
koloni Inggris / Amerika yang lain . konsekwensinya setaat ini , peningkatan
Sejarah pertumbuhan bangsa kita mutu pendidikan kita tidak terletak pada
menunjukkan ...

Memahami anggaran publik

Laporan Aliran Kas dan Neraca Kas Diantara ketiga dokumen ini , laporan
perhitungan APBD merupakan elemen utama pertanggung - jawaban APBD ,
dengan dilengkapi dua dokumen lainnya , yaitu Nota Perhitungan APBD dan
Laporan ...

Pedoman pelaksanaan anggaran pendapatan dan belanja negara

Keppres Nomor 42 tahun 2002 : dilengkapi tata cara pelaksanaan pembukuan dan pelaporan keuangan pada departemen/lembaga, penyesuaian satuan biaya pesangon pindah, perubahan petunjuk teknis pedoman pelaksanaan pengadaan barang/jasa instansi pemerintah, pedoman pembayaran gaji kedua kalinya atas gaji yang hilang, dicuri, dirampok, atau digelapkan, dan tata cara pengajuan persetujuan penghapusan kekurangan uang dari perhitungan bendaharawan dan peniadaan selisih antara saldo buku dan saldo kas