Sebanyak 638 item atau buku ditemukan

Megawati Soekarnoputri Presiden Republik Indonesia

Biography of Megawati Soekarnoputri, president of the Republic of Indonesia, 2001-

Konsistensi supremasi hukum juga menyangkut penyelesaian kasus Buloggate
U. Presiden tampak menyila kejaksaan Agung memeriksa Akbar Tanjung atas
dugaan penyimpangan dana non budgeter Bulog sebesar Rp. 40 milyar ketika
menjabat Menteri Sekretaris Negara dalam pemerintahan Presiden B.L Habibie.
Kesungguhan presiden menegakkan supremasi hukum tanpa pandang bulu
mungkin terlihat dari kelanjutan penyelesaian hukum oleh kejaksaan agung.
Sesudah ...

Makro ekonomi Indonesia

perkembangan terkini dan prospek 2002, subsidi BBM dan anggaran belanja pemerintah, posisi hutang Indonesia

Perlambatan ekonomi secara simultan di negara-negara seperti Amerika Serikat,
Jepang, dan Jerman — terutama pasca- "Serangan 11 September 2001" —
dapat membawa perekonomian dunia menuju resesi. Besarnya peluang resesi
ekonomi dunia jelas merupakan kabar buruk bagi Indonesia. Pertumbuhan
ekonominya yang mulai membaik sejak tahun 2000 akan terhambat.
Menghadapi ketidakpastian yang diperkirakan sangat besar pada tahun 2002,
kita memerlukan ...

International Business

A Managerial Perspective

Bring the world into focus...From supply chains to retail outlets, business activities are increasingly wired and global. To be prepared for this international marketplace, you must understand traditional business functions as they are influenced by geography, culture, and technology. In the third edition of their internationally popular text, Ricky W. Griffin and Michael W. Pustay illustrate how successful managers must function in a competitive world. FEATURES * Forty cases, many updated, plus eight comprehensive cases, integrated throughout the book. * New Coverage of cultural and political forces affecting business. * More than forty maps, plus updated tables and graphs. * New Three content boxes--Wiring the World, Venturing Abroad, and Bringing the World into Focus--highlight coverage of current issues related to technology, entrepreneurship, and doing business with a global perspective. * Four Point-Counterpoint features provide opposing perspectives on controversial business topics--global tobacco marketing, for example--and serve as launch pads for student discussion and research into hotly debated contemporary issues. * New Updated student exercises, plus an FT. subscription rates to the Financial Times newspaper, which is free to adopting instructors. * GLOBE: Global Landscape of Business Environment, an optional CD-ROM that can be packaged with the book, offers an electronic atlas with a variety of political and physical maps. Each of the nine geographic sections features content pertinent to students learning about international business, such as interactive exercises based on statistical data, culture and economics, plus a Geoconcepts section focusing the impact of geography on business decision making. (ISBN: 0-13-016285-X). * MyPHLIP Web Site,, offers chapter-specific current events, Internet exercises, and downloadable supplements--plus an online study guide.

For undergraduate courses in International Business. This updated edition takes a managerial approach to International Business. The role of culture is integrated throughout each chapter.

Proceedings - Vertebrate Pest Conference

Demographics and Burrow Use of Rice-Field Rats in Indonesia Dale L. Nolte
USDA APHIS Wildlife Services, National Wildlife Research Center, Olympia,
Washington, U.S.A. Jens Jacob Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial
Research ... Long-term monitoring suggested both male and female rats
occupied burrow systems along rice banks, except relatively short periods during
spring (March, April) and early fall (September) when burrows were used almost
exclusively by females.