Sebanyak 646 item atau buku ditemukan

Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest

A definitive work which covers the fruiting plants of Australia's tropical forests in Queensland extending from Rockhampton to the Torres Strait. The book is divided into two sections, Gymnodperms and Angiosperms laid out in alphabetical order of family, genera and species illustrated in vibrant colour.

The book is divided into two sections, Gymnodperms and Angiosperms laid out in alphabetical order of family, genera and species illustrated in vibrant colour.

The Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible

Offering a wealth of reliable information, The Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible provides more than 300 articles that cover everyone from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ and everywhere from the Garden of Eden to Golgotha and Gethsemane. Readers will find fascinating, informative entries on virtually every major figure who walked across the biblical stage. Here are Hebrew Bible figures such as Cain and Abel, Noah and Methuselah, Abraham and Isaac, David and Goliath, Solomon and Sheba, Moses and Aaron, Naomi and Ruth, and Samson and Delilah. The New Testament is likewise well covered, with pieces on Peter and Paul, John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene, the apostles (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John), Pontius Pilate and Judas Iscariot, and of course Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Articles also define groups of people who figure in the Bible, such as Angels, Archangels, and Demons, the Magi, the Tribes of Israel, and Women. Entries on the significant places of the Bible, both ancient and modern, include kingdoms and countries (Egypt, Assyria, Mesopotamia) and cities (Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Sodom and Gomorrah), as well as geographical features such as the Sea of Galilee and Mount Hebron. The guide includes a detailed index for ease of use, and 14 pages of color maps, providing an accurate, detailed portrait of the biblical world. Here then is the first place to turn to find factual information on the people and places of Holy Scripture. Written by an international team of noted biblical experts, it is an essential addition to any family library as well as a useful, reliable resource for scholars and students.

Offering a wealth of reliable information, The Oxford Guide to People & Places of the Bible provides more than 300 articles that cover everyone from Adam and Eve to Jesus Christ and everywhere from the Garden of Eden to Golgotha and ...

The Oxford Companion to American Theatre

An encyclopedic reference guide to the American stage covering the history, plays, playwrights, actors, producers, directors, and other facets of American theater.

This revised guide to the American stage from its beginnings to the present day contains over 3,000 entries on playwrights, plays, actors, directors, producers, songwriters, famous playhouses, dramatic movements and more.


Communication skills are essential to everything we do in life. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the one activity all people share. Contained in this booklet is the exact formula for communication which, when understood and applied, results in an increased ability to communicate. And here too are drills anyone can do to improve personal communication skills and thereby enjoy greater success in life.

Communication skills are essential to everything we do in life. In fact, when all is said and done, on whatever level, communication is the one activity all people share.

To the Stars

“Space is deep, Man is small and Time is his relentless enemy....” How far is too far? Alan Corday is about to find out. Corday is shanghaied aboard a craft bound for the stars... on a journey at the speed of light, the world he leaves behind fast vanishing into the past. And nothing in the dark, forbidding reaches of space can prepare him for the astounding discovery he will make upon his return from the stars. “This is indeed golden SF from the Golden Age.” —Publishers Weekly Starred Review

And nothing in the dark, forbidding reaches of space can prepare him for the astounding discovery he will make upon his return from the stars. “This is indeed golden SF from the Golden Age.” —Publishers Weekly Starred Review

Kamus Liturgi Sederhana

Kaidah umum untuk tata bangun gereja tertuang misalnya dlm buku *Tata Ruang
Ibadat. Tata Cara (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti dlm penyelenggaraan
suatu *liturgi. Misalnya Tata Cara Inisiasi. Tata Cara Inisiasi Kristen Orang
Dewasa (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti dlm penyelenggaraan ""inisiasi
Kristen orang dewasa. *Kate- kumenat. *Katekumenat Bertahap. Tata Cara
Perkawinan (2) Rangkaian acara yg harus diikuti untuk pengukuhan perkawinan
antara dua orang ...

Paradigma baru memahami Pancasila dan UUD 1945

sebuah rekonstruksi sejarah atas gagasan dasar negara RI, konsensus nasional, dan demokrasi di Indonesia

On democracry and nationalism in Indonesia with reference to Pancasila and the Indonesian 1945 Constitution.

On democracry and nationalism in Indonesia with reference to Pancasila and the Indonesian 1945 Constitution.

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia nomor 28 tahun 2003 Tentang Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Tahun Anggaran 2004

dilengkapi, Peraturan pemerintah nomor 63 tahun 2003, Keputusan Presiden nomor 109 tahun 2003 beserta penjelasannya

Law on Indonesian annual budget for fiscal year 2004; includes national development plan for the year 2004 and regulations regarding with sales tax on luxury goods and local government finance.

Law on Indonesian annual budget for fiscal year 2004; includes national development plan for the year 2004 and regulations regarding with sales tax on luxury goods and local government finance.

Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition

When you think about how far and fast computer science has progressed in recent years, it's not hard to conclude that a seven-year old handbook may fall a little short of the kind of reference today's computer scientists, software engineers, and IT professionals need. With a broadened scope, more emphasis on applied computing, and more than 70 chapters either new or significantly revised, the Computer Science Handbook, Second Edition is exactly the kind of reference you need. This rich collection of theory and practice fully characterizes the current state of the field and conveys the modern spirit, accomplishments, and direction of computer science. Highlights of the Second Edition: Coverage that reaches across all 11 subject areas of the discipline as defined in Computing Curricula 2001, now the standard taxonomy More than 70 chapters revised or replaced Emphasis on a more practical/applied approach to IT topics such as information management, net-centric computing, and human computer interaction More than 150 contributing authors--all recognized experts in their respective specialties New chapters on: cryptography computational chemistry computational astrophysics human-centered software development cognitive modeling transaction processing data compression scripting languages event-driven programming software architecture

The maturation of database management system (DBMS) technology has
coincided with significant developments in distributed computing and parallel
processing technologies. The end result is the emergence of distributed
database management systems and parallel database management systems.
These systems have become the dominant data management tools for highly
data-intensive applications. With the emergence of the Internet as a major
networking medium that ...