Sebanyak 847 item atau buku ditemukan

Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins

Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation

Tropical rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate, causing unprecedented losses in biodiversity and ecosystem services. This book contributes to an improved understanding of the processes that have destabilizing effects on ecological and socio-economic systems of tropical rain forest margins, as well as striving to integrate environmental, technological and socio-economic issues in their solution.

Forest structure as influenced by different types of community forestry in a lower
montane rainforest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia Johannes Dietz1,2∗, Dirk H
̈olscher1, Christoph Leuschner2, Adam Malik3, and M. Amran Amir3 1 Tropical
Silviculture, Institute of Silviculture, University of G ̈ottingen, B ̈usgenweg 1,
37077 G öttingen, Germany 2 Plant Ecology, Albrecht-von-Haller-Institute for
Plant Sciences, University of G ̈ottingen, Untere Karsp ̈ule 2, 37073 G
̈ottingen, ...

Tropical Rain Forests

Describes the rain forest environment, including the plants and animals that live in them; explains their importance to the worldwide ecosystem; and discusses the actions that threaten the existance of these biomes.

Living in Tropical Rain Forests

Describes conditions in tropical rain forests, how people can live in the rain forest, the lives of traditional rain forest peoples, and the effects of the modern world on the rain forest.

show the locations of tropical rain forests today. The tan color shows tropical rain
forest areas that have been cut down. TROPICAL RAIN FOREST AREAS CUT
loses an area of rain ...

British English A to Zed

General readers and language lovers alike will have immediate access to an alphabetical listing of more than 5,500 "Briticisms" and their correlating "Americanisms" in this fully revised and updated volume. Featured in this new edition are several hundred new entries; lively discussions of British language, pronunciation, punctuation, style, usage, and culture; and special sections on units of measure, automotive terms, cricket terms, and more.

Featured in this new edition are several hundred new entries; lively discussions of British language, pronunciation, punctuation, style, usage, and culture; and special sections on units of measure, automotive terms, cricket terms, and more ...

Scientology: A New Slant on Life

SYNOPSIS Scientology essentials for every aspect of life. Basic answers that put you in charge of your existence, truths to consult again and again: Is It Possible to Be Happy?, Two Rules for Happy Living, Personal Integrity, The Anti-Social Personality and many more. In every part of this book you will find Scientology truths that describe conditions in your life and exact ways to improve them. FULL DESCRIPTION The materials of Scientology comprise the greatest accumulation of knowledge ever assembled on the mind, spirit and life. Through more than a hundred books and publications, thousands more articles and essays, and over 3,000 recorded lectures, the works of L. Ron Hubbard embrace virtually every aspect of living. Here, then, is Scientology: A New Slant on Life, containing a timeless selection of Mr. Hubbard’s discoveries drawn from the full wealth of his writings and each one presenting a broad, yet comprehensive overview of Scientology applied to a specific aspect of existence—and, in combination, providing the panoramic overview of life itself. Here are the answers to questions Man has sought through the ages; here are practical answers you hoped could be found somewhere; here are answers that work. Is It Possible to Be Happy? Personal Integrity Man’s Search for His Soul On Our Efforts for Immortality The Eight Dynamics that comprise life itself The Affinity, Reality and Communication Triangle providing the components for interpersonal relationships Handling the Confusions of the Workaday World Marriage How to Live with Children What Is Greatness? The Two Rules for Happy Living Anti-Social and Social Personalities The Third Party Law revealing the cause of conflict Honesty and Ethics My Philosophy, L. Ron Hubbard’s personal statement on what motivated his life’s work and the quest for Scientology Here, then, are essentials for living, real solutions that work in the here and now, truths to consult again and again.

, Two Rules for Happy Living, Personal Integrity, The Anti-Social Personality and many more. In every part of this book you will find Scientology truths that describe conditions in your life and exact ways to improve them.

Handbook for Preclears

Handbook for Preclears is the legendary self-processing manual that marks the transition from the subject of Dianetics to Scientology. Here are the breakthroughs that revealed the phenomenon of the LIFE CONTINUUM -- a mechanism by which every individual takes on the disabilities of the deceased or departed, until they are no longer living their own life. Here, then, are the answers to getting rid of all those parts of "you" that aren't really YOU. The book includes: * Expansive essays providing the most complete description of The Ideal State of Man * The Human Mind, how it operates and its underlying purpose * The Control Center, the "awareness of awareness" unit of the mind, and how it is CAUSE of the body and environment * The Fifteen Acts of self-processing that move an individual from EFFECT to CAUSE -- processes so powerful that this book is now known as the book of miracles This workbook edition of Handbook for Preclears has been specifically designed for ease of use in processing, with space provided to answer processing questions and resulting in a permanent and complete record of one's own case for use in future processing. In self-processing, Handbook for Preclears is used in conjunction with Self Analysis.

The book includes: * Expansive essays providing the most complete description of The Ideal State of Man * The Human Mind, how it operates and its underlying purpose * The Control Center, the "awareness of awareness" unit of the mind, and ...

The Romance Readers' Book Club

A southern tale of a teenage girl who opens a Pandora’s box of passion and guilt Bored with her sheltered life on the family farm in Rigby, Georgia, fifteen- year-old Tammi Lynn Elco senses things can change when she acquires a stack of forbidden romance novels. Eluding the watchful eye of her Granny Elco, Tammi forms a secret book club with two girlfriends and her eccentric Aunt Minna, reading about weak- in-the- knees passion and sharing their own stories of love and heartache. When Rigby is seized in an economically damaging drought, local preachers are quick to proclaim sin as the reason for the devastation, forcing Tammi and her fellow book club members to come to terms with the emotions they’re feeling and the strict expectations of the community surrounding them. “Dixie Diva” Julie L. Cannon has written a heartfelt coming- of-age tale with true southern flair.

“Ha!” Minna began to laugh. She hugged herself and her chins shook while she
really let it all out. “Ha ha ha!” Tammi narrowed her eyes, looking hard at Minna. “
What's so funny?” Minna drew a calming breath and patted Tammi's cheek. “I'm
sorry, hon. Your choice of words just got me tickled.” Tammi wanted to tell Minna
about the kiss with Leon, and the way she felt inside whenever she thought about
it, but first she had to make some sense out of it all. “Well, that's what they say in
the ...

Philippines Army Weapon Systems Handbook

Philippines Army Weapon Systems Handbook

BATACLAN Consul General Room 602, 6th Floor, United Centre Bldg., 95
Queensway, Admiralty, HONGKONG Tel. Nos. (852) 2823 8500, 2823-8501,
2823-8510 Fax No. 00-852-28669885, 2866 8559 Email: ...

An Honorable Profession

A Novel

John L'Heureux is one of our most authoritative and compelling novelists, and An Honorable Profession, a New York Times Notable Book, is a "splendid novel" realized "superbly well" (Newark Star-Ledger) about an ordinary New England school where a young English teacher's life is about to undergo the most serious of tests. Miles Bannon works hard and strives to be fair; he enjoys his popularity with students -- a bit too much, sometimes -- but overall he is a good man. When he witnesses a group of students picking on one boy in the shower after football practice, he is suddenly forced to balance his responsibility for the situation with the unexpectedly intimate glimpse he now has of them. And when the victim begins to cling to him in the face of his own father's rejection, Miles finds it perhaps too welcome a feeling. Then comes an accusation of impropriety that will destroy his career -- and transform his life, and who he thought he was, forever. "An Honorable Profession is ... about survival both personal and professional, not merely that but survival with dignity and self-respect." -- Jonathan Yardley, The Washington Post Book World "A deeply ambitious novelist ... who isn't afraid of dealing with dark themes and what it means to be fully human." -- Robert Ward, The New York Times Book Review

She had a deep, full voice that made her seem worldly and comfortable. “Oh,
good,” Miles said, “I'm glad it's you.” “Ms. Sheehan, R.N.” she said, “but you can
call me Angie, and listen, your mother's doing fine, she's getting great care here,
so I want you home in bed, honey. You're beginning to look your age. What is it,
twentyfive? You need some rest.” She winked at Margaret. “You too, hon, even
though you look great. If I had your figure, I'd take right off for Hollywood, honest
to God.