Sebanyak 847 item atau buku ditemukan

Pelembagaan penganggaran dan monev partisipatif

mewujudkan pro poor budget : proses advokasi partisipasi penganggaran di Kota Surakarta

Budget allocation for poverty alleviation in Surakarta.

Budget allocation for poverty alleviation in Surakarta.

Local Budgeting

Local budgeting serves important functions that include setting priorities, planning, financial control over inputs, management of operations and accountability to citizens. These objectives give rise to technical and policy issues that require open discussion and debate. The format of the budget document can facilitate this debate. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of local budgeting needed to develop sound fiscal administration at the local level. Topics covered include fiscal administration, forecasting, fiscal discipline, fiscal transparency, integrity of revenue administration, budget formats, and processes including performance budgeting, and capital budgeting.

The format of the budget document can facilitate this debate. This book provides a comprehensive treatment of all aspects of local budgeting needed to develop sound fiscal administration at the local level.

Pengaruh budaya organisasi tehadap kinerja karyawan

Influence of organizational culture toward the employee performance in Indonesia.

Influence of organizational culture toward the employee performance in Indonesia.