Sebanyak 807 item atau buku ditemukan


ritual, supranatural, tradisional

On Ngereh, a ritual of black magic from Bali.

ini dianut oleh Karta Negara dan berkembang pada jaman Singasari. Bagi
masyarakat umum aliran ini dirahasiakan dan dalam kesusastraan disebut
dengan Budha Paksa. Praktisnya dengari menggunakan mantra-mantra tertentu,

Corat-coret anak desa berprofesi ganda

Author's account as veterinarian and physician in Indonesia.

Di negara-negara berkembang, penyakit jantung koroner menduduki peringkat
pertama secara berkesinambungan sebagai penyebab kematian. Sebaliknya, di
negara-negara yang belum berkembang, peringkat pertama diduduki oleh ...

Analisis faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap price earning ratio pada perusahaan publik non perbankan dan lembaga keuangan lainnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia

pendapatan per lembar saham yang berbeda, dan lebih mudah digunakan
daripada model deviden, terutama bagi ... Banyaknya penelitian mengenai
priceearningratio (PER) dengan faktor-faktor fundamental yang
mempengaruhinya dan ...

No More Rain (in This Cloud)

"No More Rain (In this Cloud)" is a real-life story about Ethel Smiter's life as a domestic violence victim and her the willingness to survive. The message represents a struggle for freedom and the need to build up self-esteem that never existed. The book covers the life of a victim trying to find herself in the midst of tragic events and to create an identity that will gain a positive reflection. Ethel's determination to fight back has dismissed her past circumstances from intimidation to motivation. Her dedication to rise above the odds, even when her back was up against the wall dictates a strong character of being more than a conqueror. She's a frontrunner that has allowed herself to thrive to the top. Her objective is not to doubt knowing that she can accomplish every impossible task that comes her way. Her vision of success is helping others fight the same struggle to victory. It is by her measures that I have been inspired to push myself beyond the limitations of defeat.

The book covers the life of a victim trying to find herself in the midst of tragic events and to create an identity that will gain a positive reflection.