Sebanyak 774 item atau buku ditemukan

Bumi bukan milik kapitalis

Essays on environmental management in Indonesia.

Essays on environmental management in Indonesia.

Planters of Early New England

A Sketch of Roger Mowry Mann's Seventeenth Century Ancestors

The purpose of this book is to honor the memory of Robert Mowry Mann, a successful publisher and an extraordinarily engaging person. Tracing the direct ancestors of Mowry Mann revealed much about life in seventeenth-century New England, and a vast trove of information and records existed with respect to Mowry Mann's direct ancestors.

prvided for eurie eache of the fabbath & whoe eur fhaA putt in anie ftrange cattell
fhall fende a helpe for [ ~ ] or 3 dayes & eure man is to putt them into the cowe
common eure morning by the tyme apoiA his own cowe is to goe free. John
GibfoA ...

Sebuah idealisme dalam berbagai era

kumpulan esai dari Orba sampai reformasi

Thought of the author on politics, government, social, and law in Indonesia; collected articles.

Thought of the author on politics, government, social, and law in Indonesia; collected articles.

Ekonomika Indonesia

dinamika lingkungan bisnis di tengah krisis global

Economic development and policies in Indonesia.

Economic development and policies in Indonesia.

Pasar modal

mekanisme perdagangan saham, analisis sekuritas, dan strategi investasi di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)

On capital market and stock exchange in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

On capital market and stock exchange in the Indonesia Stock Exchange.

Sintong Panjaitan, perjalanan seorang prajurit para komando

Role of Sintong Panjaitan, a retired lieutenant general and former chief of the Special Forces Command in political turmoil in Indonesia.

Role of Sintong Panjaitan, a retired lieutenant general and former chief of the Special Forces Command in political turmoil in Indonesia.