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Rantai pasokan suatu produk memberikan peran penting untuk meningkatkan kinerja usaha, sehingga perlu pemikiran khusus dalam mendeskripsikan secara benar. Proses untuk menguji rantai pasokan apakah sudah sesuai atau belum diperlukan alat analisa yang mampu memberikan hasil secara kualitatif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji tingkat kematangan rantai pasokan dengan menggunakan alat analisa SCMAT yang mendasarkan pada beberapa indikator meliputi Strategi, Pengendalian, Proses, Sumber Daya, Bahan, Informasi, dan Organisasi. lokasi penelitian dilakukan di KUB Usaha Bersama yang merupakan pengrajin tahu dan berada di Kelurahan Tidar Selatan, Kota Magelang. Metode penelitian menggunakan dekripsi kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan sumber data yang berasal dari lokasi studi dan referensi sekunder yang berasal dari berbagai literatur ilmiah. Alat analisa yang dipergunakan adalah menggunakan Supply Assistance Maturity Assessment Test (SCMAT) dengan mengacu pada uji dari sisi Strategi, Pengendalian, Proses, Sumber Daya, Bahan, Informasi, dan Organisasi. para pengrajin tahu secara bersama-sama dari hasil uji diperolah hasil masih belum matang rantai pasokan baik dari Strategi, Pengendalian, Proses, Sumber Daya, Bahan, Informasi, dan Organisasi. Upaya pemerintah perlu dilakukan dalam mengurai rantai pasokan pengrajin tahu di Kota Magelang agar lebih tertata dengan baik. Kata kunci : kematangan rantai pasokan, SCMAT, Pengrajin Tahu.

Tapi apa yang mempengaruhi/meningkatkan ketahanan rantai pasokan (anteseden) dan apa yang merupakan ketahanan itu sendiri (pengukuran) tetap merupakan kepentingan penelitian yang samar dan berkelanjutan di kalangan peneliti dan praktisi ...

Essentials of Supply Chain Management

The bestselling guide to the field, updated with the latest innovations Essentials of Supply Chain Management is the definitive guide to the field, providing both broad coverage and necessary detail from a practical, real-world perspective. From clear explanation of fundamental concepts to insightful discussion of supply chain innovation, this book offers students and professionals a comprehensive introduction with immediately-applicable understanding. The fourth edition has been updated to reflect the current state of the field, with coverage of the latest technologies and new case studies that illustrate critical concepts in action. Organized for easy navigation and ease-of-use, this invaluable guide also serves as a quick reference for managers in the field seeking tips and techniques for maximizing efficiency and turning the supply chain into a source of competitive advantage. The supply chain underpins the entire structure of manufacturing and retailing. Well-run, it can help a company become a global behemoth—or, if poorly-managed, it can sink a company before the product ever sees the light of day. The supply chain involves many moving parts, constantly-changing variables, and a network of other business that may have different priorities and interests—keeping it all running smoothly is a complex, but immensely powerful skill. This book takes you inside the supply chain to show you what you need to know. Understand the fundamental concepts behind supply chain management Learn how supply chains work, and how to measure their performance Explore the ways in which innovation is improving supply chains around the world Examine the supply chain as a source of competitive advantage Whether you’re at the front or the back of your supply chain, your business is affected by every other company and event in the chain. Deep understanding and a host of practical skills are required to accurately predict, react to, and manage the ever-changing stream of events that could potentially disrupt the flow. Essentials of Supply Chain Management prepares you to take on the challenge and succeed.

This book takes you inside the supply chain to show you what you need to know.

Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management: The CPIM Reference, Second Edition

Your definitive reference for manufacturing planning and control professionals—updated for the 2-part version of the CPIM exam Written by a team of recognized experts, Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management: The CPIM Reference, Second Edition, features hundreds of practice questions for the CPIM exams. The book arms you with the knowledge you need to obtain the coveted CPIM designation. You’ll get cutting-edge practices that provide an advantage in today’s global manufacturing environment. Included throughout the book are illustrative examples, practice problems, case studies, and spreadsheets for quick, practical implementation of some of the techniques in the book. Maximize supply chain efficiency, productivity, and profitability, as well as customer satisfaction, using the hand-on information contained in this comprehensive resource. Coverage includes: •Manufacturing planning and control •Enterprise resource planning •Demand management •Forecasting •Advanced sales and operations planning •Master production scheduling •Material requirements planning •Advanced MRP•Capacity planning and management •Production activity control •Just-in-time •Distribution requirements planning •Management of supply chain logistics •Order point inventory control methods •Strategy and MPC system design

The book arms you with the knowledge you need to obtain the coveted CPIM designation. You’ll get cutting-edge practices that provide an advantage in today’s global manufacturing environment.

Purchasing and Supply Chain Management

A Sustainability Perspective

For too long, business has focused on short-term cost advantages through low-cost country sourcing with little regard for the longer-term implications of global sustainability. Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, not only fully addresses the environmental, social and economic challenges of how companies manage purchasing and supply chains, but also delves deeper into emerging areas such as modern slavery, digital technologies and circular supply chains. In addition to explaining the basic principles and processes of both purchasing and supply chain management, the book evaluates how to develop strategic and sustainable purchasing and supply chain management. Our key message is that purchasing and supply chain management needs to focus on value creation rather than cost cutting. This requires the development of new purchasing and supply chain models that involve circular supply structures, supply chain transparency and collaboration with new stakeholders in traditional sourcing and supply chain settings. Aimed at students, educators and practitioners the book integrates sustainability into each chapter as a core element of purchasing and supply chain management. This second edition incorporates new examples and case studies from industry throughout, striking a balance between theoretical frameworks and guidelines for implementation in practice.

This second edition incorporates new examples and case studies from industry, striking a balance between theoretical frameworks and guidelines for implementation.

Supply Chain Management

Strategy, Planning, and Operation

For MBA, engineering master, or senior-level undergraduate courses in supply chain management. A strategic framework for understanding supply chain management Supply Chain Management introduces high-level strategy and concepts while giving readers the practical tools necessary to solve supply chain problems. Using a strategic framework, readers are guided through all of the key drivers of supply chain performance, including facilities, inventory, transportation, information, sourcing, and pricing. The 7th Edition weaves in compelling case study examples to illustrate how good supply chain management offers a competitive advantage and how poor supply chain management can damage an organization's performance. With this text, readers gain a deeper understanding of supply chains and a firm grasp on the practical managerial levers that can improve supply chain performance.

With this text, readers gain a deeper understanding of supply chains and a firm grasp on the practical managerial levers that can improve supply chain performance.

Agency Theory and Sustainability in the Global Supply Chain

This book analyzes how and under what conditions collaborating corporations can effectively manage relationships with their suppliers in order to decrease the risk of suppliers’ noncompliance with codes of conduct and standards. In so doing, it represents an important addition to the management literature on corporate social responsibility in global supply chains – which is highly topical at a time when companies are increasingly aware of the social and environmental aspects of global sourcing. After an opening systematic review of the literature on agency theory and supply chain management, it explores the rationale underlying collaboration among competitors, and the most critical aspects of such collaboration, in depth. Thanks to the book’s use of real-life examples, readers will learn how agency theory can help improve relationship management and address the major issues in sustainable global sourcing.

This book analyzes how and under what conditions collaborating corporations can effectively manage relationships with their suppliers in order to decrease the risk of suppliers’ noncompliance with codes of conduct and standards.

Green Supply Chain Management

Today, one of the top priorities of an organization's modern corporate strategy is to portray itself as socially responsible and environmentally sustainable. As a focal point of sustainability initiatives, green supply chain management has emerged as a key strategy that can provide competitive advantages with significant parallel gains for company profitability. In designing a green supply chain, the intent is the adoption of comprehensive and cross-business sustainability principles, from the product conception stage to the end-of-life stage. In this context, green initiatives relate to tangible and intangible corporate benefits. Sustainability reports from numerous companies reveal that greening their supply chains has helped reduce operating cost, thus boosting effectiveness and efficiency while increasing sustainability of the business. Green Supply Chain Managementprovides a strategic overview of sustainable supply chain management, shedding light on the theoretical background and key principles of the topic. Specifically, this book covers various thematic areas including benefits and impact of green supply chain management; enablers and barriers on supply chain operations; inbound and outbound logistics considerations; and production, packaging and reverse logistics under the notion of "greening". The ultimate aim of this textbook is to highlight the challenges in the implementation of green supply chain management in modern companies and to provide a roadmap for decision-making in real-life cases. Combining chapter summaries and discussion questions, this book provides an accessible and student-friendly introduction to green supply change management and will be of great interest to students, scholars and practitioners in the fields of sustainable business and supply chain management.

This book combines chapter summaries, boxed case studies, annotated further readings, discussion questions and illustrations in order to provide a strategic overview of sustainable supply chain management, and shed light on the theoretical ...

Pengantar Proses Manufaktur untuk Teknik Industri

Manufaktur merupakan proses mengolah bahan baku hingga menjadi barang setengah jadi atau barang jadi. Perkembangan manufaktur di dunia ini semakin pesat sehingga industri saat ini berlomba-lomba dalam meningkatkan proses serta sistem manufaktur. Pada buku ini dijelaskan mengenai teori dasar tentang mesin konvensional, seperti mesin bubut dan mesin milling serta pekerjaan manufaktur sederhana dengan kerja bangku sehingga buku ini cukup sesuai dibaca untuk dijadikan referensi dalam melakukan proses manufaktur.

Penulis merupakan seorang dosen tetap di Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Brawijaya sejak tahun 2006. Pendidikan formal sarjana diselesaikan di S1 Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, S2 di Teknik Industri Universitas ...

Model Pendidikan Karakter di Perguruan Tinggi Ancangan dan Best Practices

Karakter dipahami sebagai hal yang sangat mendasar bagi keberadaan suatu bangsa. Dengan pendidikan karakter, berbagai spirit dan nilai ideal suatu bangsa ditanamkan dan dikembangkan. Buku ini merupakan buku seri ke-2, sebagai kelanjutan dan pemerlengkap dari buku seri ke-1, yang hadir karena diilhami oleh pentingnya menanamkan dan menguatkan jati diri bangsa dengan nilai-nilai karakter luhur pada diri generasi muda. Isi buku ini didasarkan pada kajian teoretik dan penelitian lapangan dalam kerangka rekayasa sosial model pendidikan karakter bangsa berbasis kearifan lokal dan civic virtue bagi penguatan sumber daya manusia dan daya saing bangsa di perguruan tinggi yang penulis lakukan secara intensif selama tiga tahun terakhir ini. Buku ini dimaksudkan juga sebagai pendeskripsian dan pemaknaan atas praktik pendidikan karakter di tiga perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Pembahasan dan penguaraiannya berfokus pada persoalan landasan pengembangan, nilai yang dikembangkan, dan program/kegiatan yang dikembangkan dalam pendidikan karakter oleh ketiga perguruan tinggi tersebut, sebagai ANCANGAN DAN BEST PRACTICES. Buku ini layak dibaca bagi pemerhati dan pengembang pendidikan karakter. Bukan hanya yang berkecimpung di pendidikan tinggi. Pengembang pendidikan karakter di tingkat sekolah menengah dapat pula mengambil hikmah, tentu dengan melakukan penyesuaian-penyesuaian secara proporsional dan kontekstual. Secara keseluruhan, buku ini bermanfaat menambah wawasansecara komprehensif, faktual, dan inspiratif dalam penguatan pendidikan karakter yang sedang aktual sekarang.

Karakter dipahami sebagai hal yang sangat mendasar bagi keberadaan suatu bangsa.