Marketing 3.0

From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit

Beskrivelse: Understand the next level of marketingThe new model for marketing-Marketing 3.0-treats customers not as mere consumers but as the complex, multi-dimensional human beings that they are. Cu

Marketing Management : Analysis, Planning, and Control

Bruce Wrenn/Slimen Saliba Instructor's Manual

Engaged Buddhist Reader

Ten Years of Engaged Buddhist Publishing

This collection of essays on engaged Buddhism represents the "cream" of Parallax Press' published works. Contributors include the Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, Maxine Hong Kingston, Patricia Marx Ellsb

Marketing in the Public Sector

A Roadmap for Improved Performance

Marketing in the Public Sector is a groundbreaking book written exclusively for governmental agencies. It offers dozens of marketing success stories from agencies of all types–from around the world–so

Marketing Insights From A To Z: 80 Concepts Every Manager Needs To Know

Principles of Marketing

Instructor's Manual with Cases

Strategic Marketing Management

Strategic Marketing Management (8th Edition) outlines the essentials of marketing theory and offers a structured approach to identifying, understanding, and solving marketing problems. This book delin

Winning Global Markets

How Businesses Invest and Prosper in the World's High-Growth Cities

A new marketing paradigm focuses on the concentrated economic power of 600 global cities. City-Centered Marketing: Why Local is the Future of Global Business is a compelling practical analysis of a ne

Principles of Marketing (Aus)

Any marketing student should have knowledge of this great version of Kotler's classic Principles of Marketing book.' Even Lanseng, Norges Landbrukshogskole, NorwayClassic and authoritative, Principles

Principles of Marketing Scandinavian Edition

Scandinavian Edition

Principles of Marketing Scandinavian Edition is an ideal introductory text for undergraduate students and practitioners alike. This, the second Scandinavian edition, is true to Kotler and Armstrong’s

Fifty Shades of Marketing

Whip Your Business Into Shape and Dominate Your Competition

The Internet has become a necessity to conduct business. Billions of people around the world are now more connected than ever before. Whether you're an operating business or a college or job applicant

Museum strategy and marketing

designing missions, building audiences, generating revenue and resources

Museum Strategy and Marketing is the most comprehensive and level-headed presentation of its subject I have come across. The authors are sophisticated marketeers who really understand the differences