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Social Marketing

Changing Behaviors for Good

Turning Principle into Practice Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good is the definitive textbook for the planning and implementation of programs designed to influence social change. No other text is as comprehensive and foundational when it comes to taking key marketing principles and applying them to campaigns and efforts to influence social action. Nancy R. Lee (a preeminent lecturer, consultant, and author in social marketing) and Philip Kotler (an influential individual in the field who coined the term “social marketing” in 1971 with Gerald Zaltman) demonstrate how traditional marketing principles and techniques are successfully applied to campaigns and efforts to improve health, decrease injuries, protect the environment, build communities and enhance financial well-being. The Fifth Edition contains more than 26 new cases highlighting the 10 step planning model, and a new chapter describing major theories, models and frameworks that inform social marketing strategies and inspire social marketers.

The Fifth Edition contains more than 26 new cases highlighting the 10 step planning model, and a new chapter describing major theories, models and frameworks that inform social marketing strategies and inspire social marketers.

Social Marketing to Protect the Environment

What Works

Social marketing takes key marketing principles and applies them to campaigns and efforts to influence social action. In Social Marketing to Protect the Environment, the focus turns to the environment, and how social marketing can be successful to change environmental behaviour. The text begins with a definition of the Social Marketing Model and includes a discussion of various tools that can be used to develop social marketing strategies. It then moves into sections on Residential-Related Behaviours and Commercial-Related Behaviours. These sections follow a consistent format and: - Describe a variety of environmental issues - Give examples of the numerous changes in behaviours and/or practices that would contribute to reducing the problem - Provide mini-cases that illustrate the successful use of social marketing principles along with tools to influence this behaviour in similar situations - Review what worked and what could have been improved. A final section provides future directions and recommendations.

The text begins with a definition of the Social Marketing Model and includes a discussion of various tools that can be used to develop social marketing strategies.

Marketing in the Public Sector

A Roadmap for Improved Performance

Marketing in the Public Sector is a groundbreaking book written exclusively for governmental agencies. It offers dozens of marketing success stories from agencies of all types–from around the world–so that you can make a difference in your organization. World-renowned marketing expert Dr. Philip Kotler and social marketing consultant Nancy Lee show that marketing is far more than communications and has at its core a citizen-oriented mindset. You’ll become familiar with the marketing toolbox and come to understand how these tools can be used to engender citizen support for your agency, increase utilization of your products and services, influence positive public behaviors–even increase revenues and decrease operating costs. This book offers no-nonsense roadmaps on how to create a strong brand identity, gather citizen input, and evaluate your efforts. It presents a step-by-step model for developing a marketing plan, pulling the lessons of the entire book together into one, high-impact action plan. Simply put, this book empowers you to build the “high-tech, high-touch” agency of the future–and deliver more value for every penny you spend.

Simply put, this book empowers you to build the “high-tech, high-touch” agency of the future–and deliver more value for every penny you spend.