Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance

From the music of Louis Armstrong to the portraits by Beauford Delaney, the writings of Langston Hughes to the debut of the musical Show Boat, the Harlem Renaissance is one of the most significant developments in African-American history in the twentieth century. The Encyclopedia of the Harlem Renaissance, in two-volumes and over 635 entries, is the first comprehensive compilation of information on all aspects of this creative, dynamic period. For a full list of entries, contributors, and more, visit the Encyclopedi a of Harlem Renaissance website.

The Rens were barred from the first professional league, whichstarted in1925–
1926, but they continued tomaintain an independent schedule.The Original
Celtics, perhapsinprotest overthe Rens' exclusion, hadalsorefused tojoin thenew
league and remained the Rens' top opponent evenafter the founding ofthe
Harlem Globetrotters in 1927.The Rens thrived even during theDepression,
winning their first world professional championship in1932 andremaining the
topblack team until ...