Sebanyak 74 item atau buku ditemukan

White-Collar Crime

Discusses whether white collar crimes are appropriately characterized in the United States, whether penalties are harsh enough, and whether the criminal justice system is effective in controlling white collar crime.

Discusses whether white collar crimes are appropriately characterized in the United States, whether penalties are harsh enough, and whether the criminal justice system is effective in controlling white collar crime.

Kamus istilah film populer

English-Indonesian dictionary of motion picture terms.

ASA (American Standards Association) - Ukuran kecepatan film internasional. a/
b roli editing- 1. Proses editing dari dua VCR ke VCR ketiga. 2. Sebuah cara
yang dipergunakan untuk mencip- takan efek dissolve. a/b story - Cerita A
merupakan cerita utama, sedangkan B adalah cerita latar. Abbreviations-
Sejumlah singkatan yang terdapat dalam skenario, misalnya V.O dan O. S.
abovethe line-Anggaran dalam pembuatan film untuk semua kru yang bekerja.
abstract-Jenisfilm yang ...

Langkah menuju sukses

tokoh pengusaha profesional Indonesia

Katanya, hidup itu susah, oleh karenanya jangan dipersusah dan dipersulit lagi.
Berbeda halnya dengan melihat hidup itu mudah, menyenangkan dan banyak
jalan untuk mendapatkan kebahagiaan, maka akan menimbulkan optimisme.
Selalu bersemangat, kerja keras, dan kreatif bakal senantiasa mengiringi
seseorang dalam menghadapi segala persoalan hidupnya. Mulyadi meyakini hal
itu. la tidak memungkiri faktor musibah, bencana, ujian bahkan cobaan dalam
menghadapi ...

School-Based Management as School Reform

An Indonesian Prespective

Economic crisis in 1997 constitutes the remark of the school reform in Indonesia. The idea of school-based management (SBM), indicated as school reform, has been implemented in Western countries since 1970s and has been under unceasing debate among international scholars. Some agree; while some others do not. The Government of Indonesia (GOI), however, still implemented SBM in 2000s and Indonesians seem to agree with it, which is indicated by the limited or even an absence of debate over this concept in Indonesia. This research aims at investigating two main things, they are: the reasons underlying the implementation of SBM throughout Indonesia and the implementation processes of SBM in Indonesia. In fact, SBM in Indonesia leads to ambivalence since it morally contradicts to Indonesian values. However, Indonesians keep on tending not to contend against the idea of SBM. Furthermore, SBM policy in Indonesia is ideologically driven by Neoliberalism - an ideology which is completely different from Pancasila as Indonesian ideology. What a fantastic finding!

The idea of school-based management (SBM), indicated as school reform, has been implemented in Western countries since 1970s and has been under unceasing debate among international scholars. Some agree; while some others do not.

Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex Data

The amount and the complexity of the data gathered by current enterprises are increasing at an exponential rate. Consequently, the analysis of Big Data is nowadays a central challenge in Computer Science, especially for complex data. For example, given a satellite image database containing tens of Terabytes, how can we find regions aiming at identifying native rainforests, deforestation or reforestation? Can it be made automatically? Based on the work discussed in this book, the answers to both questions are a sound “yes”, and the results can be obtained in just minutes. In fact, results that used to require days or weeks of hard work from human specialists can now be obtained in minutes with high precision. Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex Data discusses new algorithms that take steps forward from traditional data mining (especially for clustering) by considering large, complex datasets. Usually, other works focus in one aspect, either data size or complexity. This work considers both: it enables mining complex data from high impact applications, such as breast cancer diagnosis, region classification in satellite images, assistance to climate change forecast, recommendation systems for the Web and social networks; the data are large in the Terabyte-scale, not in Giga as usual; and very accurate results are found in just minutes. Thus, it provides a crucial and well timed contribution for allowing the creation of real time applications that deal with Big Data of high complexity in which mining on the fly can make an immeasurable difference, such as supporting cancer diagnosis or detecting deforestation.

Terabyte-scale data mining ... In such cases, the data are already stored on
multiple disks, R. L. F. Cordeiro et al., Data Mining in Large Sets of Complex Data
, 69 SpringerBriefs in Computer Science, DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-4890-6_5, ©
The ...