Sebanyak 902 item atau buku ditemukan

Strategic Management

Planning for Domestic and Global Competition

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field are evident throughout Strategic Management, 13e. This thirteenth edition of Strategic Management has a refined message and a new subtitle: Planning for Domestic & Global Competition. This new edition is specially designed to accommodate the needs of strategy students worldwide in our fast-changing twenty-first century. The authors complement the focus on strategic planning for success within U.S. borders with unprecedented attention on how U.S. firms can leverage their domestic success by forming international partnerships and can achieve international success by becoming actively involved in global trade. These are exciting times, and they are reflected in this book. The new edition includes NEW or revised chapter material, 30 NEW cases, and dozens of NEW illustrations.

Contemporary research in strategic management, with an emphasis on conceptual tools and skills created by scholars and practitioners in the field, are evident throughout this book.

Big Data For Dummies

Find the right big data solution for your business ororganization Big data management is one of the major challenges facingbusiness, industry, and not-for-profit organizations. Data setssuch as customer transactions for a mega-retailer, weather patternsmonitored by meteorologists, or social network activity can quicklyoutpace the capacity of traditional data management tools. If youneed to develop or manage big data solutions, you'll appreciate howthese four experts define, explain, and guide you through this newand often confusing concept. You'll learn what it is, why itmatters, and how to choose and implement solutions that work. Effectively managing big data is an issue of growing importanceto businesses, not-for-profit organizations, government, and ITprofessionals Authors are experts in information management, big data, and avariety of solutions Explains big data in detail and discusses how to select andimplement a solution, security concerns to consider, data storageand presentation issues, analytics, and much more Provides essential information in a no-nonsense,easy-to-understand style that is empowering Big Data For Dummies cuts through the confusion and helpsyou take charge of big data solutions for your organization.

Implement discover how to implement your big data solution with an eye to operationalizing and protecting your data What it means see the importance of big data to your organization and how it's used to solve problems Open the book and find ...

Education Psychology


First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

This is Volume VIII of thirty-two in a series on Developmental Psychology.

Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education

Pearson New International Edition

In this classic introduction to educational and psychological measurement, Thorndike and Thorndike-Christ provide all of the pertinent information future professionals need to know in order to develop the skills to use test information wisely. Incorporating standard measurement concepts as they apply to both educational and psychological assessments, the new eighth edition continues to provide a technically rigorous treatment of the core issues in measurement in an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand presentation. In preparing students to become independent users of test information, it describes problems in measurement, explains how these problems are approached and solved, surveys a broad range of sources, and provides guidance in how to find, evaluate, and use information about specific tests. The new eighth edition of Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education includes increased coverage of No Child Left Behind, extended coverage of the role of ethics in tests, and a new chapter on advanced topics in testing. Part Two of the book has been reorganized to clarify concepts and the book as a whole has been streamlined and updated to include the most current research and testing information. Intended for use in undergraduate or graduate level introductory courses in psychological and educational measurement, Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education focuses on basic issues in measurement provides a general overview that is not overly specialized.

The new eighth edition of Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education includes increased coverage of No Child Left Behind, extended coverage of the role of ethics in tests, and a new chapter on advanced topics in testing.

Perbankan Syariah dalam Perspektif Hukum Ekonomi

Buku ini penulis susun dengan tujuan untuk menambah khazanah pustaka tentang Perbankan Syariah. Berkaitan dengan materi Perbankan Syariah sebenarnya telah banyak buku yang mengkaji tentang hal ini. Namun umumnya buku-buku tersebut mengkaji Perbankan Syariah tentang produk dan ketentuan administrasi Bank Syariah. Buku ini merupakan kajian Perbankan Syariah dari sisi lain, yaitu aspek-aspek yang selama ini menjadi kajian Hukum Ekonomi Nasional seperti masalah Badan Hukum Bank, Jaminan, Good Corporate Governance, Perlindungan Konsumen, Restrukturisasi, dan Penyelesaian Sengketa. Buku ini akan sangat perlu dibaca oleh mahasiswa yang mengambil mata kuliah hukum perbankan atau yang ingin memperdalam perbankan dan Perbankan Syariah. Selain mahasiswa, buku ini perlu dibaca oleh pemerhati Perbankan Syariah dan Praktisi Perbankan Syariah karena buku ini akan melengkapi pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang Perbankan Syariah dan dapat dijadikan referensi jika dalam praktik timbul masalah. Isi Buku Bab I : Hukum Ekonomi di Indonesia Bab II : Sistem Ekonomi Syariah Bab III : Perkembangan Perbankan Syariah dalam Lintasan Sejarah Peradaban Islam Bab IV : Bank Syariah Sebagai Lembaga Keuangan Bab V : Bank Syariah dalam Tata Hukum Perbankan Indonesia Bab VI : Konsep Akad Dalam Ekonomi Syariah Bab VII : Ketentuan Administratif Bank Umum Syariah (BUS) dan Bank Pembiayaan Rakyat Syariah (BPRS) Bab VIII : Akad Pada Bank Syariah Bab IX : Jaminan Dalam Perbankan Syariah Bab X : Perlindungan Nasabah Sebagai Konsumen Pada Bank Syariah

Buku ini penulis susun dengan tujuan untuk menambah khazanah pustaka tentang Perbankan Syariah.