Sebanyak 46 item atau buku ditemukan

Etika profesi hukum

rekonstruksi citra dunia peradilan di Indonesia

On implementation of legal ethics and its impact on the image of Indonesian courts.

On implementation of legal ethics and its impact on the image of Indonesian courts.

Pengantar Ekonomi Pertanian

BAB I ILMU EKONOMI PERTANIAN Pada dasarnya , ilmu - ilmu itu dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kelompok besar , yaitu Ilmu - ilmu Alam , Ilmu - ilmu Sosial , dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya . Ilmu Ekonomi termasuk dalam kelompok ilmu - ilmu sosial ...

Pengantar novel Indonesia

Dalam novel Romo Rahadi gaya ini sudah mulai berkurang. Romo Mangun
sendiri menamakan romannya Burung- Burung Manyar sebagai roman esei.
Dalam kematangan visi dan luas pengetahuannya ia boleh disejajarkan dengan
tokoh semacam Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana yang juga mengisi roman-romannya
yang tebal dengan penjelasan-penjelasan yang eseis. Mangunwijaya adalah
seorang sarjana arsitektur keluaran salah satu universitas di Jerman. Kini
mengasuh sebuah ...

The Definitive Guide to Magento

This book takes a comprehensive look at Magento, a robust and flexible e-commerce platform built on the Zend framework. With more than 750,000 downloads, Magento is the fastest growing open source e-commerce solution. This book walks you through all of the steps necessary to build a fully functional Magento-based web site. It also includes information on managing products, customers, and orders. This book is directed at web site designers and developers, but will also be extremely useful for business owners who have web sites built on the Magento platform. Introduces you to Magento, the fastest-growing open-source e-commerce platform Demonstrates how to configure and use Magento Covers how to customize Magento and develop extensions for the Magento platform What you’ll learn How to install and set up a Magento based e-commerce web site How to effectively manage products, customers, and orders How to sell products through Magento How to design a custom Magento web site How to add content to your Magento web site How to create your own Magento extensions Who this book is for Current and prospective web site designers and web developers, and small business owners who want an online presence. Table of Contents Introduction to Magento Installing Magento The Public Interface Walk-through The Administration Interface Walk-through Working with Products Working with Customers Working with Orders Configuring Magento Customizing Magento’s Appearance Magento Extensions Application Programming Interface (API) Tips and Tricks

This book takes a comprehensive look at Magento, a robust and flexible e-commerce platform built on the Zend framework.