Sebanyak 847 item atau buku ditemukan

International Business

A Global Perspective

'International Business' covers international business issues from a multinational perspective. Each chapter features the reverse perspective case that provides material for discussion and/or case analysis from a global perspective not necessarily that of the US.

This text addresses IB from a purely multinational perspective. International Business is examined from the U.S. angle, going on to address IB issues from other countries' perspectives, what the authors refer to as the "Reverse Perspective.

Business Law: Legal Environment, Online Commerce, Business Ethics, And International Issues

Perkembangan hukum perdata tentang benda dan hukum perikatan

On civil law regarding property and contracts in Indonesia.

On civil law regarding property and contracts in Indonesia.

Akses keuangan UMKM

buku panduan untuk membangun akses pembiayaan bagi usaha menengah, kecil, dan mikro dalam konteks pembangunan daerah