Sebanyak 29 item atau buku ditemukan

An Analysis of Human Resource Officers in Support of MPT & E Enterprise Management

A Succession Management Plan for Human Capital Managers

The purpose of this research is to examine the Human Resource community's ability to effectively manage its human capital (active duty officers) and to establish this as the foundation for value creation. In today's market, be it on Wall Street, Main Street or Army Navy Blvd., value creation is dominated by human capital and other intangible assets. Ironically, these most important assets are the least understood, least prone to measurement, and hardest to manage. Thus, an analysis for improvement using a systems control theory model provided an important step forward in the Navy's inability to better manage its human capital. An assessment was conducted through interviews of community managers, SME and participants, and a review of previous manpower studies. This research revealed critical control points whereby the HR community manager (OCM) could leverage considerable change within the system to gain the desired effects of the human resource succession-management plan. These control points were found through analysis of inputs, processes, and outputs pertaining to an HR officer's promotion, assignment, and education. This analysis showed the HR community manager could influence human resource career progressions through the education process. The management of Education Skill Requirements, and interaction with Naval Postgraduate School faculty, will ensure alignment and acquisition of knowledge, skills, and abilities. These skills will support HRO and the warfighting enterprises to ensure a succession-management plan that reduces gaps and mismatches of human resource billets.

The purpose of this research is to examine the Human Resource community's ability to effectively manage its human capital (active duty officers) and to establish this as the foundation for value creation.

Resep 200 jamu Jawa, obat-obatan tradisional

200 prescriptions of Javanese traditional medicinal herbs.

Suami istri jangan suka membunuh apapun saja dari hewan yang masih hidup,
agar anaknya jangan menderita cacat. i) . Dan tida': boleh minum, minum-
minuman keras yang mengan: dung alkohol. 3 JAMU-JAMU JAWA/OBAT-OBAT
BAGI ...

Teori linguistik dan bahasa Indonesia

Menurut susunan beruntun, maka bahasa-bahasa mana saja, serumpun atau
tidak serumpun, bisa digolong-golongkan di dalam tipe yang sama. Misalnya,
bahasa Indonesia dengan amat konsisten berupa VO (verba- objek), hal mana
dapat ...