Sebanyak 1601 item atau buku ditemukan

Forecasting interest rates

It teaches a proven, easy-to-use system for determining rate trends. With this ground-breaking book at your side, you'll now be able to make informed, profitable business and personal investment decisions like never before.

Criando um E-Commerce com CodeIgniter

Aprenda a criar sua própria plataforma de e-commerce

O mercado de e-commerce caminha na contramão do cenário econômico atual: enquanto diversos setores enfrentam crises e recessão econômica, o mercado de varejo online persiste com crescentes lucros, bem acima da média nacional. Podem-se destacar como parte do sucesso fatores como custo operacional reduzido, remoção de limites geográficos, boa penetração de mercado e grande interesse por parte dos consumidores. A demanda por analistas e engenheiros de software dedicados ao e-commerce acompanha a tendência do mercado, crescendo na mesma proporção que novos negócios surgem. O livro Criando um e-commerce com o CodeIgniter constrói de forma didática um exemplo de loja online, com sistema de cobrança por cartão de crédito e boleto bancário, utilizando a versão 3 do consagrado framework PHP CodeIgniter. São abordados temas como: • Construção do carrinho de compras. • Consumo de dados por meio da API REST. • Cálculo de frete com base em tarifas praticadas por transportadoras e no web service dos Correios. • Envio de emails para clientes. • Gerenciamento de sessão e autenticação de usuários. Também é apresentada uma aplicação simples para os leitores menos experientes na utilização de frameworks: um exemplo de blog como ferramenta para construção de aplicações PHP. Os exemplos são construídos de maneira incremental, de modo que ao longo do desenvolvimento o leitor se familiarize com os recursos e o método de trabalho do framework de forma prática e intuitiva.

O livro Criando um e-commerce com o CodeIgniter constrói de forma didática um exemplo de loja online, com sistema de cobrança por cartão de crédito e boleto bancário, utilizando a versão 3 do consagrado framework PHP CodeIgniter.

Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations

Humanizing Business

Despite the continuous addition of regulatory initiatives concerning corporate human rights responsibilities, what we witness more often than not is a situation of corporate impunity for human rights abuses. The Bhopal gas leak – examined as a site of human rights violations rather than as a mass tort or an environmental tragedy – illustrates that the regulatory challenges that the victims experienced in 1984 have not yet been overcome. This book grapples with and offers solutions to three major regulatory challenges to obligating companies to comply with human rights norms whilst doing business, and asks; whycompanies should adhere to human rights, what these responsibilities are, and howto ensure that companies comply with their responsibilities. Building on literature in the fields of law, human rights, business ethics, management, regulation and philosophy, this book proposes a new ‘integrated theory of regulation’ to overcome inadequacies of the existing regulatory framework in order to humanize business. This book will be of interest to scholars, students, researchers, policy makers and human rights activists working in the fields of Law, Business and Human Rights.

This book will be of interest to scholars, students, researchers, policy makers and human rights activists working in the fields of Law, Business and Human Rights.

Food Safety and International Competitiveness

The Case of Beef

Food safety is currently one of the most important issues confronting consumers, producers and distributors. It cannot be dealt with as just a physical problem but must be considered as a multi-dimensional one, affected by politics, economics and social influences. This book focuses on the specific example of food safety in the beef industry in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia. It outlines the experience of a number of countries with food safety problems (such as BSE) and examines:drivers for change and institutional arrangements within the four countrieswhether there is a socially optimal approach to food safetyhow much consumers can rely on the industry to police itself and governments to look after their interestsIt also examines the implications for competitiveness and world trade.

This book focuses on the specific example of food safety in the beef industry in the USA, Canada, the UK and Australia.