Sebanyak 364 item atau buku ditemukan

Aspek sosial AMDAL

sejarah, teori, dan metode

Social impact assessment for environmental analysis in Indonesia.

Social impact assessment for environmental analysis in Indonesia.

The Economics of the Trade Union

This book analyses the crucial features of unionised labour markets. The models in the book refer to labour contracts between unions and management, but the method of analysis is also applicable to non-union labour markets where workers have some market power. In this book, Alison Booth, a researcher in the field, emphasises the connection between theoretical and empirical approaches to studying unionised labour markets. She also highlights the importance of taking into account institutional differences between countries and sectors when constructing models of the unionised labour market. While the focus of the book is on the US and British unionised labour markets, the models and analytical methods are applicable to other industrialised countries with appropriate modifications.

Suppose that all firms in a particular sector face the same technology and the
same input prices. This is likely to be the case with a cross-section of firms in a
particular industry. In such a situation, it might be expected that all firms would
have ...

Heavy Metals and Environment

Metals And Metalloids Are Ubiquitous Environmental Constituents And Cannot Be Broken Down To Non-Toxic Forms By The Biological System. Once The Ecosystem Is Contaminated With Them, They Remain As A Potential Hazard To Human Health For Many Years. Heavy Metals Are Particularly Important In This Respect. This Book, Which Is A Part Of Man And Environment Series, Discusses Diverse Issues Relating To Heavy Metals And Environmental And Human Health Problems.

Therefore, it is inevitable to keep away from being exposed to heavy metals.
Emissions into the air constitute the greatest source of heavy-metal pollution.
They also contaminate aquatic ecosystems and soils through atmospheric fallout.

Heavy Metals in Soils

Heavy metals in soils continue to receive increasing attention due to the growing scientific and public awareness of environmental issues and the development of analytical techniques to measure their concentrations accurately. Building on the success and acclaim of the first edition, this book continues to provide an up-to-date, balanced and comprehensive review of the subject in two sections: the first providing an introduction to the metals chemistry, sources and methods used for their analysis; and the second containing chapters dealing with individual elements in detail.

Environmental pollution can occur from the manufacture of the components, their
accidental contact with soils and their disposal in ... 7 Chemical and other
industrial sources Other significant sources of heavy metal pollution of soils and
the ...

Himpunan surat keputusan Kepala Badan Pengendalian Dampak Lingkungan tentang pengelolaan limbah bahan berbahaya dan beracun

Collection of regulations of the Environmental Impact Management Agency of Jawa Timur Province on the management of hazardous wastes.

Collection of regulations of the Environmental Impact Management Agency of Jawa Timur Province on the management of hazardous wastes.

Pedoman penyelenggaraan usaha kesejahteraan anak melalui taman penitipan anak

Pemberian bantuan atau subsidi baik berupa sarana, peralatan, keuangan, atau
tenaga pelaksana. d. ... yang menyimpang dari ketentuan ini dan peraturan
perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan penyelenggaraan Kelompok
Bermain ...