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Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, and Office Applications: Complete

MICROSOFT VISUAL BASIC 2010: COMPLETE teaches students the essentials of computer programming using the latest Visual Basic programming language, Visual Basic 2010. Nine chapters and four appendices cover topics such as designing a Visual Basic user interface, creating a windows application, variables and arithmetic operations, mobile applications using decision structures, loop structures, Visual Studio tools for Office applications, and function procedures and exception handling. Written in a straight-forward style with the innovative Guided Program Development section in each chapter, this text makes it easy for any novice programmer to understand the core capabilities and fundamental skills and techniques for Visual Basic 2010. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Before beginning to design the user interface, however, the developer should
know how to use certain Visual Studio and Visual Basic rapid application
development (RAD) tools because these tools are used in the design process.