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Database Management System (DBMS)A Practical Approach

Many books on Database Management Systems (DBMS) are available in the market, they are incomplete very formal and dry. My attempt is to make DBMS very simple so that a student feels as if the teacher is sitting behind him and guiding him. This text is bolstered with many examples and Case Studies. In this book, the experiments are also included which are to be performed in DBMS lab. Every effort has been made to alleviate the treatment of the book for easy flow of understanding of the students as well as the professors alike. This textbook of DBMS for all graduate and post-graduate programmes of Delhi University, GGSIPU, Rajiv Gandhi Technical University, UPTU, WBTU, BPUT, PTU and so on. The salient features of this book are: - 1. Multiple Choice Questions 2. Conceptual Short Questions 3. Important Points are highlighted / Bold faced. 4. Very lucid and simplified approach 5.Bolstered with numerous examples and CASE Studies 6. Experiments based on SQL incorporated. 7. DBMS Projects added Question Papers of various universities are also included.

This text is bolstered with many examples and Case Studies. In this book, the experiments are also included which are to be performed in DBMS lab.