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Islamism in Indonesia

Politics in the Emerging Democracy

The fall of President Soeharto in May 1998 and the introduction of multi-party democracy by President BJ Habibie have unleashed religious parties (both Islamic and Christian) in Indonesian politics. This study shows that the Islamist agenda of the Islamist parties is overshadowed by their political pragmatism. This book is a must-read account on the rise and failure of the Islamist struggle in Indonesia's emerging democracy. Platzdasch's work is without a doubt a significant and timely contribution to a better understanding of Islamic politics in contemporary Indonesia. - Professor Azyumardi Azra, Professor of History & Director, Graduate School, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Iakarta: Sekretariat Ienderal MPR, 2000. I'Risalah Rapat Ke-32 Panitia Ad Hoc I
Badan Pekerja MPR 17 Mei 2000”. Buku Kedua Iilid 3 C Hasil Rumusan Seminar
Panitia Ad Hoe I (Sidang Taliunan 2000). Iakarta: Sekretariat Ienderal MPR, 2000
. Risalah Rapat Pleno Ke-44 Panitia Ad Hoc I Badan Pekerja MPR 14 lune 2000.
Iakarta: Sekretariat Ienderal MPR, 2000. I'Risalah Rapat Ke-70 Panitia Ad Hoc II
Badan Pekerja Sidang Tahunan MPR Tahun 2000 10 ]uli 2000 ...