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Advances in web intelligence and data mining

The Internet has become a major communication medium, where virtually any kind of content can be transferred instantly and reliably between individual users and entire organizations located in any part of the globe. Consequently, more effective and efficient methods and technologies are needed to make the most of the Web's nearly unlimited potential. The new Web-related research directions include intelligent methods usually associated with the fields of computational intelligence, soft computing, and data mining. This book presents state-of-the-art developments in the area of computationally intelligent methods applied to various aspects and ways of Web exploration and Web mining. Some novel data mining algorithms that can lead to more effective and intelligent Web-based systems are also described. Scientists, engineers, and research students are expected to find many inspiring ideas in this volume.

This book presents state-of-the-art developments in the area of computationally intelligent methods applied to various aspects and ways of Web exploration and Web mining.

Data Mining in Time Series Databases

Adding the time dimension to real-world databases produces Time Series Databases (TSDB) and introduces new aspects and difficulties to data mining and knowledge discovery. This book covers the state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases. The novel data mining methods presented in the book include techniques for efficient segmentation, indexing, and classification of noisy and dynamic time series. A graph-based method for anomaly detection in time series is described and the book also studies the implications of a novel and potentially useful representation of time series as strings. The problem of detecting changes in data mining models that are induced from temporal databases is additionally discussed. Contents: A Survey of Recent Methods for Efficient Retrieval of Similar Time Sequences (H M Lie); Indexing of Compressed Time Series (E Fink & K Pratt); Boosting Interval-Based Literal: Variable Length and Early Classification (J J Rodriguez Diez); Segmenting Time Series: A Survey and Novel Approach (E Keogh et al.); Indexing Similar Time Series under Conditions of Noise (M Vlachos et al.); Classification of Events in Time Series of Graphs (H Bunke & M Kraetzl); Median Strings--A Review (X Jiang et al.); Change Detection in Classfication Models of Data Mining (G Zeira et al.). Readership: Graduate students, reseachers and practitioners in the fields of data mining, machine learning, databases and statistics.

This book covers the state-of-the-art methodology for mining time series databases.