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Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse, and Addiction

Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse and Addiction takes a look at the topics of Sex, Physical and Mental Abuse, and various addictions and puts them in a reality style format- leaving it up to the reader whether to determine if they are reality or works of glorious fiction.

Pure: Memoirs of Sex, Abuse and Addiction takes a look at the topics of Sex, Physical and Mental Abuse, and various addictions and puts them in a reality style format- leaving it up to the reader whether to determine if they are reality or ...

The Lilitu

The Best of Sundari Prasad

Madelaine sat down at the inlaid table and looked into the eyes of her confidante. A smile was on her friends face, but tears glistened in her eyes. They had both realized there was no other choice, but goodbyes are as small deaths, and the grief at the table was tangible.A dark dance in a lush garden of prose overshadowed by luminous specters clothed in the guise of short stories and poetry, The Lilitu are more than the children of the Hebrew Goddess Lilith-an outcast of Eden. Author Sundari Prasad's prose not only resonates, but it lives and breathes in these pages. Much like demons that tell their tales, these words want to be read.Torrid fantasies and nightmares come to life with full force, from a vampire's memories of times long gone, to a woman's romanticism of her harsh abuse at the hands of her husband. The Lilitu is a collection of deep, haunting, and wanton spirits of writing that will not be easily forgotten.

The Lilitu is a collection of deep, haunting, and wanton spirits of writing that will not be easily forgotten.

The Carrion Files

Dark Poetry from the twisted mind of Poetess/Author Sundari Prasad. carrion early 13c., from Anglo-Fr. carogne, from V.L. *caronia "carcass," from L. caro "meat." carrion (kaerien) - n 1.dead and rotting flesh 2.( modifier ) eating carrion: carrion beetles 3.something rotten or repulsive [C13: from Anglo-French caroine, ultimately from Latin caro flesh] Words brought to you from the blessed Carrion bird (and author's totem spirit)...the Crow- these are the Carrion files

Dark Poetry from the twisted mind of Poetess/Author Sundari Prasad. carrion early 13c., from Anglo-Fr. carogne, from V.L. *caronia "carcass," from L. caro "meat." carrion (kaerien) - n 1.dead and rotting flesh 2.( modifier ) eating carrion: ...

The Split Brain

For individuals struck with the disorder, schizophrenia is a life-shattering event which curtails careers, breaks up families, forfends any possibility of financial stability, leads to severe physiological, psychological and social impairments, and, in many cases (up to 15% of schizophrenics according to some studies) to death through suicide (APA, 1997; Carter and Flesher, 1995; Wyatt, et al., 1996). Schizophrenia's impact reaches beyond just schizophrenics and their immediate families. This is for the families and the search for meaning in the madness.