Sebanyak 72 item atau buku ditemukan

Kepercayaan komunitas adat suku Dawan pada siklus ritus tani lahan kering di Kampung Maslete, Kecamatan Kefamenanu, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

Tujuh Mata Air Keramat Sebelum melakukan upacara, maka salah satu
perlengkapan upacara yang harus dipersiapkan adalah air dari tujuh mata air
keramat. Air ini di ambil oleh takua dari tujuh mata air yang terdapat di sekitar
komunitas ...

KKPK Story of Volley Club

Mengejar Impian Menjadi Juara Voli

Tanpa diduga, Velya mendapat tawaran dari sekolah terkenal untuk pindah ke tim voli mereka. Kira-kira, Velya mau pindah enggak, ya? Apa alasan Velya?ÿ[KKPK, DAR! Mizan, Cerita, Anak, Indonesia]

Tanpa diduga, Velya mendapat tawaran dari sekolah terkenal untuk pindah ke tim voli mereka. Kira-kira, Velya mau pindah enggak, ya? Apa alasan Velya?ÿ[KKPK, DAR! Mizan, Cerita, Anak, Indonesia]

Bilateral Investment Treaties in the Developing World: A Discursive Approach to the Analysis of Regime Formation

A second objective of this thesis is to evaluate the saliency of interest-based and power-based International Relations (IR) theories in explaining the emergence of international regimes and systems of cooperation between states. This thesis finds that these theories underemphasize the importance of identity, interest and preference construction in processes of regime formation and interstate cooperation. It finds, furthermore, that conventional IR theories' understanding of the concept of power misconstrues the role of developed nations in influencing the policy choices of developing states such Ecuador.

A second objective of this thesis is to evaluate the saliency of interest-based and power-based International Relations (IR) theories in explaining the emergence of international regimes and systems of cooperation between states.