Sebanyak 33 item atau buku ditemukan

Passion to Your Words - Girls Edition

Banyak hal up to date dibahas dalam buku ini, mulai dari SNSD, Justin Bieber, Super Junior, Agnes Monica, Twilight Saga, Boys Before Flowers, Secret Garden, dan berbagai jenis film, musik, dan trend cewe modern saat ini. Coba siapa sih yang gak kenal sama mereka? Tapi apakah mereka semua membentuk jati diri Girls di dalam Tuhan? Semua itu memang asyik, keren, dan menghibur. Tapi gak semua nilai-nilai yang ada di sana sesuai dengan nilai-nilai kebenaran Firman Allah. So kita butuh banget panduan yang bisa membantu kita hidup sesuai dengan kebenaran Firman-Nya. Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah jawabannya. Diinspirasikan oleh kebenaran Firman Allah yang kekal, Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition akan membantu kita bagaimana caranya menjadi cewe yang super dan extra ordinary dan yang paling terpenting... Godly. Kalau kita mengaku anak Tuhan yang cinta Tuhan dan mau hidup sesuai kehendak-Nya, maka Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah buku yang tepat buat kita. Sssst...selain renungan harian, di dalamnya juga ada bonus 12 tips pacaran yang Alkitabiah dan benar loh...

So kita butuh banget panduan yang bisa membantu kita hidup sesuai dengan kebenaran Firman-Nya. Passion to Your Words – Girls Edition adalah jawabannya.

When Kids Call the Shots

How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully—and Enjoy Being a Parent Again

Rebellious, entitled, disrespectful, many kids pummel their parents with demands, and boss them around with impunity. Experts might label them "difficult" and advise how to "fix" them. But parenting struggles rarely originate from just one side. Instead, they erupt at the volatile intersection of a child's personality with a parent's own insecurities and behaviors. Fixing the child requires fixing yourself. In When Kids Call the Shots, therapist and parenting expert Sean Grover untangles the forces driving family dysfunction, and helps parents assume leadership roles. With a liberating message and perceptive advice, the book explores: Three common bullying styles (defiant, manipulative, anxious) used by kids Parenting styles (guilt-prone, anxiety-fueled, fix-everything) that contribute to power imbalances Critical testing periods in a child's development Coping mechanisms that backfire Personalized plans for calmly exerting authority in any scenario And more Caving in to tantrums and threats breeds more of the same. Learn to stop the cycle of abusive behavior and make parenting a pleasure again.

With a liberating message and perceptive advice, the book explores: Three common bullying styles (defiant, manipulative, anxious) used by kids Parenting styles (guilt-prone, anxiety-fueled, fix-everything) that contribute to power ...

Stress-Free Discipline

Simple Strategies for Handling Common Behavior Problems

All children test boundaries (and sometimes your patience). It's a natural part of growing up. Your job as a parent is to let them know what's acceptable and what isn't, praise good behavior, and enforce limits. Easier said than done. Even the best-intentioned parents can find themselves shouting—or capitulating yet again to avoid a scene. Worse, the one-size-fits-all discipline methods experts tout can be too narrow for some concerns. Blending developmental insights with an arsenal of proven techniques, Stress-Free Discipline prepares parents for any challenge: the preschooler who throws a fit . . . the second-grader who refuses homework . . . the budding tween who dishes out insults. The book helps determine the root cause, explaining what drives the behavior, why it's usually normal, how to prevent escalations, and how to instill self-control. Once parents grasp the underlying motivation they can select the strategy that fits their child's age, temperament, and issue—including role modeling, setting limits, positive reinforcement, negative consequences, disengagement—and deploy it calmly and with confidence. Examples and exercises throughout help readers personalize the authors' advice to their unique situation. Practical, thoughtful, and deeply informative, Stress-Free Discipline is the one book every family needs for a more peaceful and happy home.

The book helps determine the root cause, explaining what drives the behavior, why it's usually normal, how to prevent escalations, and how to instill self-control.