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52 Weeks of Passionate Sex

You've seen the ads in many popular magazines and newspapers: Great Lovers are Made, not Born(TM). Here's an easy and thoroughly enjoyable way for couples to transform themselves -- and each other -- into better lovers. This kit, which provides creative inspiration for a whole year's worth of fresh and imaginative approaches to sex, comes from The Sinclair Intimacy Institute, the home of the best-selling sex education videos for adults. The 96 page book contains 52 quick and fun ideas, tips, and techniques for busy couples, plus a dozen suggestions for more leisurely approaches to lovemaking-each designed to inspire tremendous sensual creativity. The kit also features a variety of tasteful accessories, including silk rose petals, a scented candle, a feather, a slim volume of erotic stories, a blindfold, and a "Do Not Disturb" sign for the door.

The 96 page book contains 52 quick and fun ideas, tips, and techniques for busy couples, plus a dozen suggestions for more leisurely approaches to lovemaking-each designed to inspire tremendous sensual creativity.