Photoshop CS3 Essential Skills

Accompanied by a DVD containing QuickTime video tutorials and full resolution images to try out new techniques, and files for editing practice, a handy manual on the latest version of Photoshop introduces its new features and functions, while offering a hands-on approach that uses exercises and real-world applications to teach skills. Original. (Beginner/Intermediate)

A magic vvorkflovv The first port of call for many CS3 users wanting to create a
quick selection will be the new Quick Selection Tool, but there will be times when
the Magic Wand will be the preferred tool for the job in hand. This may be due to
poor edge contrast where the Quick Selection Tool runs rampant or the color or
tone to be selected is not contiguous (the color or tone exists as several islands
of tone rather than one connected mass). If you are new to the magic of the wand