Sebanyak 37 item atau buku ditemukan

Kardinal Julius Darmatmadja SJ

alam pikiran dan kharisma

Festschrift in honor of Julius Darmaatmadja, an Indonesian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.

On leadership, life, and works of Julius Darmaatmadja, an Indonesian Cardinal of Catholic Church; volume commemorating of his 80th birthday.

William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Presents a collection of critical essays about William Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet."

La traduzione di Amleto nella cultura europea, Marsilio, Venezia. Del Sapio
Garbero M., 2005, Il bene ritrovato. Le figlie di Shakespeare dal King Lear ai
romances, Belzoni, Roma. Derrida J., 1985a, “De Tours de Babel”, in J. F.
Graham (ed.) ...


The Violent Death of a Star

Recounts how the supernova was discovered and discusses the information it is providing scientists about the life cycle of stars

Recounts how the supernova was discovered and discusses the information it is providing scientists about the life cycle of stars

Plumbing & HVAC Manhour Estimates

A Guide to Competitive Bidding

Tested and proven manhours for installing just about any plumbing fixture, pipe, or fitting. Also includes an extensive section on HVAC.

Tested and proven manhours for installing just about any plumbing fixture, pipe, or fitting. Also includes an extensive section on HVAC.

Komunikasi organisasi

dari konseptual-teoritis ke empirik

On organizational communication.

tiga besar: pertama, mereka yang memakai internet untuk tujuan bisnis. Istilah
yang lebih populer e-commerce (transaksi melalui internet). Di Amerika transaksi
bisnis melalui internet ini telah berhasil meraup 9% dari total belanja nasional ...

Mempelai tanpa pengantin

Ia habiskan waktunya duduk-duduk bersama tukang bakso, tukang ronde jahe,
tukang soto, sesekali bersama tukang ciu dan tukang togel. Tentu saja ia tak
punya batasan waktu di luar rumah karena tak ada yang menunggunya kembali.