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Geriatric Medicine, An Issue of Medical Clinics of North America

With the projected shortage of geriatricians over the next many years, it is essential for every internist and primary care physician to be equipped with the most current information and clinical skills for the treatment of older adults. This edition of Medical Clinics of North America brings the reader up to date on important issues in geriatrics including the following: treatment strategies for sarcopenia and frailty; congestive heart failure; revitalizing the aged brain; nutritional strategies for aging successfully; falls, osteoporosis and hip fractures; late-life Hypogonadism; hypertension in older persons; incontinence; delirium; weight loss; nursing homes and the physician; and diabetes and insulin resistance in older persons.

John E. Morley. 2009. CD003288 24. S. Walrand, enough population. J Clin
Epidemiol. 2000;53:579. 20. L.Z. Rubenstein, J.O. Harker, A. Salva, et al.
Screening for undernutrition in geriatric practice: developing theshort-form mini-
nutritional assessment (MNA-SF). J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2001;56:M366.
21. M.M. Wilson, D.R. Thomas, L.Z. Rubenstein, et al. Appetite assessment:
simple appetite questionnaire predictsweight loss in community-dwelling adults
andnursing home ...