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Buku ini merupakan kumpulan materi dalam program Kuliah Adab yang diselenggarakan satu pekan sekali oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (PAI UAD). Dalam satu kesempatan, salah seorang mahasiswa bertanya saat menghadiri Kuliah Adab bertanya: “Kenapa kita tidak mengkaji pemikiran-pemikiran Islam kontemporer saja daripada materi adab yang terlalu sederhana untuk diajarkan kepada mahasiswa?” Pertanyaan semacam ini mungkin dapat dimaklumi, mengingat karakter mahasiswa umumnya lebih suka pada kajian-kajian yang “menantang”, seperti pemikiran Islam kontemporer. Meskipun demikian, para mahasiswa agaknya lupa bahwa banyak pemikir muslim yang tidak hanya memiliki keluasan ilmu, tetapi juga pribadi (adab) yang mulia. Sosok K. H. Ahmad Dahlan, sebagaimana digambarkan oleh Solichin Salam (1963) misalnya, merupakan tokoh yang memiliki kapasitas intelektual di atas rata-rata ulama pada umumnya, dan memiliki pribadi (adab) mulia. Dengan dua kata kunci: adab dan ilmu, K. H. Ahmad Dahlan mendirikan Muhammadiyah, sehingga jerih payahnya dapat dirasakan sampai sekarang ini. Pribadi K. H. Ahmad Dahlan adalah sosok yang sangat menjaga adab kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya, adab kepada sesama, adab kepada ilmu, dan adab kepada lingkungannya.

Buku ini merupakan kumpulan materi dalam program Kuliah Adab yang diselenggarakan satu pekan sekali oleh Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (PAI UAD).

Cognitive Radio - An Enabler for Internet of Things

Internet of Things (IoT) deals with the interconnection of devices that can communicate with each other over the internet. Currently, several smart systems have evolved with the evolution in IoT. Cognitive Radio - an enabler for Internet of Things is a research level subject for all communication engineering students at undergraduate, post graduate and research levels. The contents of the book are designed to cover the prescribed syllabus for one semester course on the subject prescribed by universities. Concepts have been explained thoroughly in simple and lucid language. Mathematical analysis has been used wherever necessary followed by clear and lucid explanation of the findings and their implication. Key technologies presented include dynamic spectrum access, spectrum sensing techniques, IEEE 802.22 and different radio network architectures. Their role and use in the context of mobile broadband access in general is explained, giving both a high level overview and a detailed step by step explanation. The book includes a large number of diagrams, MATLAB examples, thereby enabling the readers to have a sound grasp of the concepts presented and their applications. This book is a must have resource for engineers and other professionals in the telecommunication industry working with cellular or wireless broadband technologies, helping comprehension of the process of utilization of the updated technology to enable being ahead competition.

This book is a must have resource for engineers and other professionals in the telecommunication industry working with cellular or wireless broadband technologies, helping comprehension of the process of utilization of the updated ...

An Economic Analysis of Designed Versus Farmer's Cropping Patterns in Two Villages in Mymensingh

Amongst the designed patterns, T. Aman (BR-4) - Boro (Purbachi) pattern gave
the highest gross benefit per hectare, but cash gross margin of this pattern was a
little lower than forT. Aman (BR-4)- T. Aus (BR-1) pattern. The reason for this was

Hydrodynamic and Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Solar Heated Air Duct

The flat type collectors are relatively inexpensive and used where moderate or
low rise in temperature is needed. Flat type collectors may be subdivided into
liquid and gas heaters. The Solar water heaters in general consist of copper
tubing, ...

On-farm irrigation water management problems

Density values of Boyera soils are slightly above the average value of 2.65 g/cm3
, while those of Satrashia are much lower than average values. The lower value
of particle density may be due to mineralogical composition of the soil which ...

Etymons of English Words

LouT, s. a clown, a serf; D. lon't, subjected, enthralled; T. loete ; B. loet, a clown.
Lout, v. n. to stoop, to bow awkwardly, to submit, bend, obey; G. and Swed. luta ;
S. hlutan. Low, a near the surface, deep, abject, poor, mean, cheap; G. Swed.

The River Mole, Or Emlyn Stream. A Poem. (By M. D. B. [i.e. M. Drinkwater-Bethune]) With Notes (by W. C. [i.e. William Cotton]) and Illustrations

Yon House of Prayer," Where clasping ivy clings to the low spire, Half seen
beneath the downs of Mickleham, Whose Sabbath-bell makes musical the
breeze, Arises now to bid our hearts rejoice, Amid the ebb and flow of earthly
fears, With ...

Observations Introductory to a Work on English Etymology

by which designation the low districts on both sides of the Alps would have been
clearly distinguished from those of the mountains; and such was probably the
origin of the Wallis or Valais of Switzerland. The same indefinite term might
readily ...