Sebanyak 774 item atau buku ditemukan

Applied Multivariate Statistics for the Social Sciences

This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results. Helpful narrative and numerous examples enhance understanding and a chapter on matrix algebra serves as a review. Annotated printouts from SPSS and SAS indicate what the numbers mean and encourage interpretation of the results. In addition to demonstrating how to use these packages, the author stresses the importance of checking the data, assessing the assumptions, and ensuring adequate sample size by providing guidelines so that the results can be generalized. The book is noted for its extensive applied coverage of MANOVA, its emphasis on statistical power, and numerous exercises including answers to half. The new edition features: New chapters on Hierarchical Linear Modeling (Ch. 15) and Structural Equation Modeling (Ch. 16) New exercises that feature recent journal articles to demonstrate the actual use of multiple regression (Ch. 3), MANOVA (Ch. 5), and repeated measures (Ch. 13) A new appendix on the analysis of correlated observations (Ch. 6) Expanded discussions on obtaining non-orthogonal contrasts in repeated measures designs with SPSS and how to make the identification of cell ID easier in log linear analysis in 4 or 5 way designs Updated versions of SPSS (15.0) and SAS (8.0) are used throughout the text and introduced in chapter 1 A book website with data sets and more. Ideal for courses on multivariate statistics found in psychology, education, sociology, and business departments, the book also appeals to practicing researchers with little or no training in multivariate methods. Prerequisites include a course on factorial ANOVA and covariance. Working knowledge of matrix algebra is not assumed.

This best-selling text is written for those who use, rather than develop statistical methods. Dr. Stevens focuses on a conceptual understanding of the material rather than on proving results.

Modern Multivariate Statistical Techniques

Regression, Classification, and Manifold Learning

This is the first book on multivariate analysis to look at large data sets which describes the state of the art in analyzing such data. Material such as database management systems is included that has never appeared in statistics books before.

This is the first book on multivariate analysis to look at large data sets which describes the state of the art in analyzing such data.

How to Write Effective Business English

The Essential Toolkit for Composing Powerful Letters, Emails and More, for Today's Business Needs

How to Write Effective Business English gives guidance to both native and non-native English speakers on how to express yourself clearly and concisely. With case studies and real-life examples that demonstrate how English is used internationally in business, and full of ideas to help you get your communications right first time, How to Write Effective Business English sets the scene for describing the benefits of good Business English, ideal for multinational companies where communication is a priority. For native English speakers, it may mean un-learning things you were taught at school and learning how to save time by getting to the point more quickly in emails; for elementary to immediate English speakers, it focuses on the areas that are easy to get wrong. How to Write Effective Business English draws on the author's wealth of experience, using real-life international business scenarios to develop your skills and provide you with some answers that even your boss might not know. You will learn a system to help you quickly and easily write emails, letters, CVs and more. Featuring sections on punctuation and grammar, and checklists to help you assess how you are getting on before moving on to the next stage, How to Write Business English has been praised by both native and non-native writers of English as an indispensable resource.

How to Write Effective Business English gives guidance to both native and non-native English speakers on how to express yourself clearly and concisely.

Marketing for Everyone : Kunci Sukses bagi Manajer, Salesman, Karyawan, UKM, Selebriti, Politisi, Negarawan, dan Diri Sendiri

Reflektierende Dokumentation zum Praktikum im Studiengang B.A. Bildungswissenschaft

Praktikumsbericht / -arbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich Padagogik - Medienpadagogik, Note: 1,7, FernUniversitat Hagen, Veranstaltung: Praxis der Mediendidaktik, Sprache: Deutsch, Anmerkungen: Kommentar des Dozenten: Aus der sehr vielfaltigen Darstellung kann auf eine kompetente, selbstandige und kreative Bearbeitung der gestellten Aufgabe geschlossen werden. (Anmerkung d. Red.: Schwarzungen im Text verdecken Hinweise auf den Anhang, der leider nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten ist.), Abstract: Die vorliegende Dokumentation ist mit dem Ziel erstellt worden, bildungspraktisches Handeln bei der Durchfuhrung eines konkreten Projektes in der Erwachsenenbildung von der Planung bis zur Evaluation einschliesslich der daruber stattgefundenen Reflexion der Praktikantin zu dokumentieren. Das Praktikum mit der Schwerpunktsetzung Praxis der Mediendidaktik" innerhalb des Fernstudiums B.A. Bildungswissenschaften bildet dabei den Handlungs- und Reflexionsrahmen und ruckt bildungs-wissenschaftliche Theorien und Modelle in den Mittelpunkt. Die reflektierende Dokumentation versucht daruber hinaus, die zunehmende Bedeutung von Reflexion in Bildungsprozessen und in der Bildungsarbeit aufzeigen und ist wie folgt aufgebaut: Kapitel 1 beschreibt das Projekt und dessen Zielsetzung und beeinhaltet Aussagen zu Elementen des beruflichen Handelns im Arbeitsprozess (vgl. Dehnbostel, 2008, S. 33f.), d.h. den erforderlichen Kompetenzen der Praktikantin einerseits und den Strukturen der Weiterbildungseinrichtung, einer Volkshochschule, andererseits. In Kapitel 2 wird der gesamte Arbeitsauftrag in seinem Ablauf als Prozess von der Vorbereitung bis zur Evaluation als vollstandige Handlung" skizziert und beschrieben (vgl. das Modell von HACKER, 1986, zur Handlungsorganisation zit. in Heinz, 2008, S.72f.). Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte sind dabei die Sprachenbildung Erwachsener in der Europaischen Gemeinschaft, (medien-) didaktische und technische Aspekte der Gestaltung und Produktion von Medien, s

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