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Strategic Supply Chain Management: The Five Core Disciplines for Top Performance, Second Editon

The classic guide to supply chain strategy--re-created to help business leaders gain an advantage in today's volatile, globalized arena The definitive guide to supply chains that deliver value The global landscape has changed dramatically since the first edition of Strategic Supply Chain Management established itself as the authority on creating value and achieving competitive advantage from the supply chain. Shorter economic cycles, more-frequent natural disasters, higher costs in low-cost countries, more-restricted access to working capital, and greater focus on sustainability have made effective supply chain management much more challenging--and much more critical to the bottom line. This second edition is your answer to gaining a strategic advantage in the face of these challenges. Drawing on dozens of new company examples as well as cutting-edge benchmarking research, it shows you how to make your supply chains more agile, flexible, and resilient. With 80 easy-to-read tables and diagrams, this fully revised book explains how to: Develop a supply chain strategy that will help you realize your business goals Design a process architecture that maps out the activities of the end-to-end supply chain Create the most effective supply chain organization Build the most beneficial relationships with your supply chain partners Use metrics to assess and drive business success Implement transformational change See how today's best supply chain strategies work in all-new profiles of BASF, Essilor, Haier, Kaiser Permanente, Lenovo, and Schlumberger. Find out what these industry leaders are doing to get the greatest value out of their supply chains. When value depends on how well you deliver, you need Strategic Supply Chain Management, Second Edition. PRAISE FOR STRATEGIC SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT: "This book shows convincingly that a robust supply chain strategy is critical for business success in today's uncertain economic environment. Cohen and Roussel explain not only what makes for a good supply chain strategy but also how to put that strategy into practice." -- Jim Miller, VP, Worldwide Operations, Google "Strategic Supply Chain Management loudly and clearly makes the case that successful companies' supply chain strategies are closely aligned with their competitive differentiation and operating models. The book uses in-depth examples that bring these concepts to life and demonstrate that one size doesn't fit all. Anyone who thinks operations is just another corporate function needs to read this book." -- Manish Bhatia, SVP, Worldwide Operations, SanDisk "The advent of global marketplaces, heightened competition, accelerated pace of product innovation, and fast-changing customer preferences have increased the impact of the supply chain on company profitability and long-term success. But cultural challenges to successful supply chain design remain. Cohen and Roussel's book provides a platform for addressing these challenges and is recommended reading for chief executives, strategy professionals, and supply chain practitioners." -- Martin Roper, Chief Executive Officer and President, Boston Beer "The authors present a straightforward path for developing and deploying a global supply chain strategy that addresses the priorities of today's executive management teams." -- Hau Lee, Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology, Stanford Graduate School of Business "Strategic Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, is an important resource for executives who are trying to take their supply chain performance to the next level. Given the enormous challenges of the current business environment, it's 'must' reading." -- Joe Francis, Executive Director, Supply Chain Council “Following on from their ground-breaking first edition, the authors provide further evidence of the critical role of supply chain management in creating competitive advantage. Managers facing the challenge of coping with increasing levels of complexity in global supply chains will find valuable guidance in this in this revised work.” -- Martin Christopher, Emeritus Professor of Marketing & Logistics, Cranfield School of Business, Cranfield University “This is not another one of those books that are heavy on theory but light on practical advice. Filled with examples of companies from a wide range of industries and geographical regions, it provides guidance that is clear and easy to understand.” -- Greg Clapp, SVP, Operations, Fujitsu "Concise and cogent, Strategic Supply Chain Management, Second Edition, lays out the key components for top supply chain performance and backs up these insights with new benchmarking research. Managers across the organization will find answers to their supply chain questions here." -- Paul Bischler, Vice President and Controller, Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway

The book uses in-depth examples that bring these concepts to life and demonstrate that one size doesn't fit all. Anyone who thinks operations is just another corporate function needs to read this book.

Global Supply Chain Management: Leveraging Processes, Measurements, and Tools for Strategic Corporate Advantage

LEVERAGE YOUR SUPPLY CHAIN FOR MAXIMUM PROFIT Do you have a global supply chain strategy designed for the long run? About 90 percent of global demand is not fully met by local supply, and global supply chains will soon account for 25 percent of multinational firms' performance--meanwhile, supply chains need to become 43 percent more global in the next decade just to maintain a firm's competitive edge. Written by three of today's leading experts on the subject--each from Michigan State University, the uncontested world leader of supply chain management--Global Supply Chain Management gives you the know-how and tools to dramatically boost supply chain efficiency by making it a core element of your overall corporate strategy. Global Supply Chain Management takes you step by step through the process of creating and managing a global supply chain strategy and aligning it with the conditions of your industry. Learn everything you need to know about developing a core strategy plus strategies for each of the critical supply chain functions: LOGISTICS--Integrate logistics strategy and tactical activities PURCHASING--Manage the transition to purchasing globally OPERATIONS--Systematically design, direct, and control processes MARKET CHANNELS--Effectively connect your supply chain to customers With in-depth case studies and data showing how American Express, AB InBev, Dell, FedEx, Daimler, Microsoft, Nestlé, Nokia, and several other prominent companies have applied global supply chain strategy to increase profits and growth, Global Supply Chain Management helps you take action to drive similar success in your company. If you're serious about competing today--and in the future--you must integrate and leverage strategic supply chain management into your overall corporate strategy. Global Supply Chain Management provides everything you need to build a strategy designed for the long run. PRAISE FOR GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT "This book does a superb job of using a total value perspective and integrating business functions into a strategic framework for global supply chain management that can be leveraged for success." -- Leif Johansson, Chairman of the Board of Directors of AstraZeneca, Ericsson, European Round Table of Industrialists, and the International Advisory Board of the Nobel Foundation "Written by a superb team of world-leading authors on global supply chain management, this book provides a great framework for companies to leverage global supply chain functions and processes, measurements, and tools to achieve sustained strategic advantage in the global marketplace." -- Michael Lawton, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Executive Vice President of Finance of Domino's Pizza, Inc. "In our company, we have come to recognize the strategic importance of building and maintaining a global supply chain. This book does an excellent job of identifying a framework for considering the implications of an integrated model for global supply chain management. It's clear that the authors have tremendous experience, and they have shared their insights in an innovative and integrative way." -- John Shull, Vice President and Global Procurement Officer of Steelcase Inc. "Global supply chains are critically important to companies in delivering products and services that satisfy customers. Hult, Closs, and Frayer provide an excellent model for how to drive the strategic and operational dimensions of global supply chain management to maximize end-customer value." -- Claes Fornell, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CFI Group Worldwide and ForeSee, and founder of the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI)

This book does an excellent job of identifying a framework for considering the implications of an integrated model for global supply chain management.

Java: Algoritma, Struktur Data, dan Pemrograman GUI

Buku ini hanya cocok bagi mereka yang berkomitmen menjadi seorang programmer JAVA. Dengan tanpa basa-basi, ditulis untuk mengupas tuntas kelas abstrak dan antarmuka, yang mengintegrasikan keduanya dalam pemrograman GUI. Terdapat juga pembahasan yang cukup detil tentang pemrograman grafik dan event-driven. File Biner I/O dan file teks I/O dianalisa dengan mengemukakan perbedaan keduanya. Pengurutan lewat algoritma bubble, merge, quick, dan heap tidak luput dibedah secara bertahap dan sistematis. Konsep penanganan list, tumpukan, antrian dan antrian prioritas diintroduksi dengan penjelasan-penjelasan kasuistik dan applikatif. Penjelajahan pohon biner ditelaah dan dianimasi secara visual untuk mengatrol pemahaman pembaca. Di bagian akhir buku ini, dibahas metode pencarian DFS (depth-first search) dan BFS (breadth-first search) dalam menjelajah suatu graf. Berikut beberapa topik konsentrasi yang disajikan dalam buku ini: • Kelas Abstrak, antarmuka, objek kelas wrapper, BigDecimal, dan BigInteger. • Grafik, Pemrograman Event-Driven, dan pemrograman GUI. • I/O teks dan I/O biner, antarmuka Serializable, dan kelas RandomAccessFile. • Metode rekursi, pengurutan seleksi menggunakan rekursi, pencarian biner menggunakan rekursi, dan lain-lain. • Kelas dan antarmuka generik, tipe generik, dan metode generik. • JAVA Collections Framework (JCF), HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet, ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector, Stack, PriorityQueue, dan lain lain. • Pengurutan bubble, pengurutan merge, pengurutan quick, pengurutan heap, dan pengurutan eksternal. • List dinamis menggunakan array, list dinamis menggunakan struktur berantai, dan antrian prioritas menggunakan heap. • Pohon pencarian biner: representasi pohon biner dengan list berantai dan iterator untuk menjelajah pohon biner. • Graf dan aplikasinya: model graf dengan antarmuka dan kelas, pencarian DFS, dan pencarian BFS.

Buku ini hanya cocok bagi mereka yang berkomitmen menjadi seorang programmer JAVA.

Manajemen Resiko - Konsep,Kasus,Implemen

"Kita dapat mengurangi Segala Macam Risiko dengan Manajemen Risiko Setiap orang dan keluarga selalu menghendaki rasa aman dari kekurangan atau terhindar dari risiko kesulitan keuangan, dan berusaha melindungi diri dari kejadian-kejadian yang mengancam keuangannya. Keamanan keuangannya dapat terancam atau mengalami kerugian akibat berbagai kejadian. Satu keluarga mengalami kehancuran keuangan karena sang ayah sebagai kepala rumah tangga yang menjadi tulang punggung keluarga hilang bersamaan dengan hilangnya pesawat Adam Air pada awal 2007, hilang ketika KM Karunia tenggelam, dan tabrakan Kereta Api pada Januari 2007. Dan bukan tak mungkin seseorang harus membayar utang dalam jumlah yang sangat besar ketika ditetapkan kalah di pengadilan, dan harus membayar ganti rugi kepada lawan yang menuntutnya. Semua risiko itu dapat dihindari atau setidak-tidaknya diminimalkan dengan asuransi. Namun, asuransi hanyalah salah satu teknik dari berbagai macam teknik yang dapat digunakan menghadapi risiko. Buku ini membahas berbagai macam risiko, dan bagaimana teknik manajemen risiko selain asuransi digunakan untuk menghadapi risiko, seperti bagaimana dengan manajemen risiko keselamatan di tempat kerja, atau pada industri transportasi dapat dicapai zero accident. Sebagai pengantar untuk mempelajari manajemen risiko, dan mempraktikkan manajemen risiko, buku ini sangat dianjurkan untuk dibaca. -- Satriyo Wibowo, S.E., M.M., Dekan Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Prof. Dr. Moestopo (Beragama) Risiko adalah sama dengan ketidakpastian (uncertainty) akan terjadinya suatu kejadian yang (dapat) menimbulkan masalah, dan peluang bagi organisasi perusahaan, pemerintah, dan perorangan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Para birokrat, eksekutif, industrialis, karyawan, investor, mahasiswa, rumah tangga, para pelancong, nelayan, dan petani, siapa saja selalu berhadapan dengan berbagai jenis risiko. Suka dan atau tidak suka, kita harus menggaulinya. Kadang-kadang risiko dianalisis, dan di kelola secara sadar, akan tetapi kadang-kadang diabaikan, dan tidak menyadari akibatnya. Buku ini membahas tentang manajemen risiko sebagai proses identifikasi risiko, evaluasi risiko, memilih teknik manajemen risiko, implementasi, dan mengkaji ulang keputusan manajemen risiko. Dengan pembahasan berbagai kasus sebagai illustrasi, buku imi akan mempermudah pembaca mempraktikkan manajemen risiko keselamatan kerja pada industri, manajemen risiko keuangan, dan risiko-risiko dalam semua aspek kehidupan manusia dan organisasi. -- C.H. Siahaan, CIA, FRM, deputy Direktor Risk Management, Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Directorate of Debt Portfolio and Risk"

MENDANAI GANTI RUGI Jika perusahaan menggunakan retensi, manajer risiko harus mempunyai metode untuk membayar kerugian jika terjadi. Perusahaan dapat membayar kerugian dari pendapatan bersih perusahaan berjalan, dan kerugian dianggap ...

Kamus Bahasa Indonesia; Untuk Pelajar, Mahasiswa & Umum

Apa yang kamu butuhkan saat ingin mengetahui arti suatu kata? Ya, jawabannya adalah Kamus. Selain mencari arti suku kata, melalui kamus kita juga dapat menambah wawasan pengetahuan, sarana berekspresi, dan berkomunikasi dalam berbagai bidang. Semua manfaat kamus tersebut dapat kamu temukan dalam kamus ini, karena kamus ini memuat: Tiap kosakata memuat definisi dan arti yang jelas dan padat, berikut sinonim dan antonim; Dilengkapi dengan padanan istilah yang sering digunakan dalam dunia teknologi informasi dan komputer; Berbagai kosakata pilihan dari berbagai bidang ilmu, dari ilmu-ilmu sosial hingga eksakta; Dilengkapi kelas kata, turunan kata dan contoh pemakaian kata, untuk memudahkan pemahaman

Apa yang kamu butuhkan saat ingin mengetahui arti suatu kata?

Pengantar Manajemen

""" Pada prinsipnya, setiap profesi memerlukan kemampuan manajerial. Semakin tinggi jabatan seseorang, semakin tinggi pula tuntutan kemampuan manajerial. Manajemen merupakan ilmu dan seni. Manajemen sebagai ilmu disusun melalui proses pengkajian yang panjang oleh para ilmuwan bidang manajemen dengan pendekatan ilmiah. Dalam aplikasinya, manajemen merupakan seni, yaitu seni mengelola sumber daya yang dimiliki untuk mencapai tujuan yang ingin diraih. Proses manajemen secara umum terdiri atas tiga tahapan, yaitu perencanaan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Proses manajemen merupakan suatu siklus, yang apabila prosesnya berkualitas, hal itu akan menghasilkan perbaikan berkelanjutan yang ujungnya adalah kinerja yang baik, yaitu pencapaian sasaran jangka pendek, menengah, maupun panjang. Sistematika buku ini meliputi tujuh bagian yang merupakan fondasi untuk belajar ilmu-ilmu manajemen yang bersifat lebih lanjut. Ketujuh bagian tersebut adalah: - Bagian I. Pendahuluan, meliputi tiga bab, yaitu: Konsep Manajemen; Sejarah Ilmu Manajemen; serta Kewirausahaan.- Bagian II. Lingkungan Bisnis, meliputi tiga bab, yaitu: Lingkungan Organisasi; Etika Bisnis dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial; serta Bisnis dan Ekonomi Global - Bagian III. Perencanaan, mencakup empat bab, yaitu Dasar-Dasar Perencanaan; Perkiraan Bisnis; Manajemen Strategis; dan Pengambilan Keputusan. - Bagian IV. Pengorganisasian, terdiri atas dua bab, yaitu: Dasar-Dasar Pengorganisasian; Desain Organisasi dan Pekerjaan.- Bagian V. Pengarahan, mencakup enam bab, yaitu: Motivasi; Komunikasi; Kepemimpinan; Kemampuan Antarpribadi; Dinamika Kelompok dan Kerja sama Tim; serta Inovasi dan Perubahan Organisasi - Bagian VI. Pengontrolan, yang berisi dua bab, yaitu: Dasar-Dasar Pengontrolan; serta Sistem Informasi Manajemen dan Pengontrolan Keuangan. - Bagian VII. Manajemen Fungsional, yang meliputi empat bab, yaitu: Manajemen Keuangan; Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia; Manajemen Operasi; dan Manajemen Pemasaran.Buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai referensi yang komprehensif bagi para mahasiswa maupun praktisi (bisnis maupun nonbisnis) yang ingin mempelajari manajemen. Selain memaparkan konsep dan perkembangan aplikasi manajemen, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan beberapa studi kasus. Selamat membaca dan berkarya!"""

""" Pada prinsipnya, setiap profesi memerlukan kemampuan manajerial.

Package: Loose Leaf for Software Engineering with 1 Semester Connect Access Card

For almost three decades, Roger Pressman's " Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach" has been the world's leading textbook in software engineering. The new eighth edition represents a major restructuring and update of previous editions, solidifying the book's position as the most comprehensive guide to this important subject. The eighth edition of " Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach" has been designed to consolidate and restructure the content introduced over the past two editions of the book. The chapter structure will return to a more linear presentation of software engineering topics with a direct emphasis on the major activities that are part of a generic software process. Content will focus on widely used software engineering methods and will de-emphasize or completely eliminate discussion of secondary methods, tools and techniques. The intent is to provide a more targeted, prescriptive, and focused approach, while attempting to maintain SEPA's reputation as a comprehensive guide to software engineering. The 39 chapters of the eighth edition are organized into five parts - Process, Modeling, Quality Management, Managing Software Projects, and Advanced Topics. The book has been revised and restructured to improve pedagogical flow and emphasize new and important software engineering processes and practices.

The book has been revised and restructured to improve pedagogical flow and emphasize new and important software engineering processes and practices.