Sebanyak 364 item atau buku ditemukan

Statistik dalam 50 tahun Indonesia merdeka: Data dan ulasan

Statistical data on Indonesia.

Indonesia. Biro Pusat Statistik. Tabel 1.9 Produktivitas Tenaga Kerja Perusahaan
Industri Besar dan Sedang, 1975 - 1994 (ribu rupiah/TK) Subsektor 1975 1979
1984 1986 1989 1991 1993 1994 " II III IV V 75-79 79-84 84-89 89-94 2
adalah. Pertumbuhan dalam Pelita (persen) c. Industri Kecil dan Kerajinan
Rumah Tangga Selama kurun waktu 1975 - 1993 tingkat produktivitas tenaga
kerja IKKR terus ...

Pengenbangan Sistem Jaringan Distribusi dan Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Sebagai Infrastuktur Bangunan Ekonomi Rakyat

Ecology of Marine Invertebrate Larvae

This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the field of larval ecology. The 13 chapters use state-of-the-art reviews and critiques of nearly all of the major topics in this diverse and rapidly growing field. Topics include: patterns of larval diversity reproductive energetics spawning ecology life history theory larval feeding and nutrition larval mortality behavior and locomotion larval transport dispersal population genetics recruitment dynamics larval evolution Written by the leading new scientists in the field, chapters define the current state of larval ecology and outline the important questions for future research.

This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the field of larval ecology. The 13 chapters use state-of-the-art reviews and critiques of nearly all of the major topics in this diverse and rapidly growing field.