Sebanyak 34 item atau buku ditemukan

Titik rawan komunikasi pembangunan

Political conditions in Indonesia and the role of communication.

Redi, Komunikasi Bisnis-Bisnis sebagai Proses Komunikasi. Komunikasi
sebagai Kegiatan Bisnis. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1 995 Ranney.
Austin, Channels of Power - The Impact of Teievision on Amerika Politics, An
American ...

Manajemen pinjaman luar negeri swasta Indonesia

pelajaran berharga dari krisis keuangan Indonesia

Management of private foreign loans in Indonesia.

pelajaran berharga dari krisis keuangan Indonesia. KESIMPULAN Biaya
pembangunan yang tidak sedikit dan tidak selalu dapat dipenuhi melalui sumber
dana dari dalam negeri melahirkan kebutuhan akan dana pelengkap dari luar
negeri .

Uncertainty Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis for Multidisciplinary Systems Design

The major findings of this research are as follows. (1) Sensitivity analysis method is an effective tool for reducing the impact of epistemic uncertainty. (2) The proposed new reliability sensitivity indexes can easily measure the changes in output uncertainty with respect to those in input uncertainty. (3) The effect of aleatory uncertainty can be primarily measured by the distribution of a performance; and the effect of epistemic uncertainty can be measured by the bounds of the distribution. (4) The unified uncertainty analysis methods for single-disciplinary systems can be extended to the reliability analysis for multidisciplinary systems. (5) All the proposed methods can be ultimately integrated with multidisciplinary design optimization.

One example is that the true contact resistance in the vehicle crashworthiness
design is hard to know; an interval is then used based on the engineers' best
judgment [18]. Another example is in a new design. It is difficult to determine the ...

Pengantar Kompilasi hukum Islam dalam tata hukum Indonesia

The place of Islamic law in Indonesian legal system, with reference to the Kompilasi hukum Islam, the Indonesia compendium of Islamic law containing marriage, inheritance, and waqf to be applied to Indonesian Muslims.

... alat kelengkapan pemerintahan, peradilan agama juga harus ber- tanggung
jawab terhadap seluruh aspek penegakan hukum Islam melalui: (1) reintroduksi
Islam yang dimaksudkan untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran agar masyarakat
bertingkah laku menurut hukum melalui jalan dakwah; (2) hukum materiil yang
menjadi substansi transformasi intelektual pada tiap lembaga pendidikan Islam; (
3) penyelenggaraan hukum keluarga; (4) layanan fatwa hukum; dan (5)
manajemen harta ...