Sebanyak 73 item atau buku ditemukan

Praktikum Akuntansi & Komputerisasi dgn MYOB+CD

Aset yang disusut adalah aset yang: 1. Mempunyai masa manfaat terbatas. 2. Mengalami penurunan dalam manfaatnya karena rusak, usang, atau out ofdate. Beban Penyusutan Beban penyusutan ditentukan oleh: 1. Biaya/harga perolehan. 2.

Educational Leadership and the Community

Strategies for School Improvement Through Community Engagement

Educational Leadership and the Community has been written in conjunction with the Community Education Department Centre (CEDC) and offers you different approaches to educational leadership which are focused on community engagement and social regeneration.

Educational Leadership and the Community has been written in conjunction with the Community Education Department Centre (CEDC) and offers you different approaches to educational leadership which are focused on community engagement and ...