Sebanyak 39 item atau buku ditemukan

Analisis dan evaluasi hukum tentang perasuransian (asuransi syariah) Undang-Undang nomor 2 tahun 1992

Legal analysis and evaluation on Islamic insurance based on Indonesian law.

Legal analysis and evaluation on Islamic insurance based on Indonesian law.

Biomechanics in Dentistry: Evaluation of Different Surgical Approaches to Treat Atrophic Maxilla Patients

This book shows computational finite element simulations to analyse the strength of implant anchorage for intrasinus and extramaxillary approaches under various occlusal loading locations and directions. Three-dimensional model of the craniofacial area surrounding the region of interest, soft tissue and framework are developed using computed tomography image datasets. The zygomatic and standard dental implants are modeled using a conventional computer-aided design software and placed at the appropriate location. Material properties are assigned appropriately for the cortical, cancellous bones and implants with Masseter forces applied at the zygomatic arch and occlusal loadings applied on the framework surface.

Muhammad Ikman Ishak, Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir. Muhammad Ikman
Ishak Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir Biomechanics in Dentistry: Evaluation of
Different Surgical Approaches to Treat Atrophic Maxilla Patients 123 Muhammad
Ikman Ishak Mohammed Rafiq Abdul Kadir School of Postgraduate
Biomechanics in Dentistry:Evaluation of Different Surgical Approaches to Treat
Atrophic Maxilla Patients.

3 menguak takdir sukses

Biographies of Yusuf Mansur, Jeffry Al-Buchori, and Ahmad Al-Habsyi, prominent ulamas in Indonesia.

Terlebih, saat kuliah itu, ada banyak teman saya yang menjadi njodel dan
sejenisnya. Tanpa terasa, saya pun ikut di dalamnya. "Anak muda itu mudah
terombang-ambing dalam menentukan pilihan hidupnya. Mengapa? Karena ia
sedang dalam proses pencarian jati diri, mencari arah dan tujuan hidup,
sehingga mudah terpengaruh oleh sesuatu yang dianggap hebat oleh dirinya."
Pada saat itu, saya sering diajak untuk menghadiri acara-acara modelling,
seperti even Abang None.

Managing Hazards, Reducing Risks and Increasing Investments in Agriculture

However, the majority of agricultural financing institutions (AFIs) are commercial
banks and credit unions. ... Term finance comprises debt instruments, such as,
term loans and leasing, equity instruments, such as, term savings, third party
equity ...