Sebanyak 34 item atau buku ditemukan

Black Sabbath and the Rise of Heavy Metal Music

The definition of 'heavy metal' is often a contentious issue and in this lively and accessible text Andrew Cope presents a refreshing re-evaluation of the rules that define heavy metal as a musical genre. Cope begins with an interrogation of why, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, Birmingham provided the ideal location for the evolution and early development of heavy metal and hard rock. The author considers how the influence of the London and Liverpool music scenes merged with the unique cultural climate, industry and often desolated sites of post-war Birmingham to contribute significantly to the development of two unique forms of music: heavy metal and hard rock. The author explores these two forms through an extensive examination of key tracks from the first six albums of both Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, in which musical, visual and lyrical aspects of each band are carefully compared and contrasted in order to highlight the distinctive innovations of those early recordings. In conclusion, a number of case studies are presented that illustrate how the unique synthesis of elements established by Black Sabbath have been perpetuated and developed through the work of such bands as Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pantera, Machine Head, Nightwish, Arch Enemy and Cradle of Filth. As a consequence, the importance of heavy metal as a genre of music was firmly established, and its longevity assured.

In conclusion, a number of case studies are presented that illustrate how the unique synthesis of elements established by Black Sabbath have been perpetuated and developed through the work of such bands as Iron Maiden, Metallica, Pantera, ...

Eddie Trunk's Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal

“Eddie Trunk is one of the greatest true rock-and-roll fans I’ve ever met. He hears it, sees it from all angles, with an unusually unbiased point of view.” —Slash “Eddie’s a true flag-waving defender of all things rock.” —Bret Michaels “Eddie’s name should be spelled M-E-T-A-L. All of us should be thanking him because he has kept this scene alive for everyone.” —Ronnie James Dio In the much-anticipated sequel to the bestselling Eddie Trunk’s Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, Trunk picks up where he left off by featuring 35 new bands, both legendary and forgotten, and sharing his passion for all things metal. Complete with his favorite playlists, band discographies, memorabilia, trivia, and more than 200 color photographs, this new book combines brief band histories with Trunk’s unique personal experiences and anecdotes in a must-read for all fans of rock and roll. Featuring a diverse lineup, from Marilyn Manson and Ace Frehley to Lita Ford and Whitesnake, Volume 2 salutes all those who are ready to rock!

With edgier metal music, it'spretty much a giventhat mainstream radioisnot an
option, so Testament had towork aggressively throughthepress, word ofmouth,
touring, and playing collegeandmetal radiospecialty shows.They were well
received ...

The Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal

Presents a guide to heavy metal music, recounting the careers of more than two hundred artists, past and present, with over six hundred color photographs, a timeline of important events, and twenty top-ten lists.

Presents a guide to heavy metal music, recounting the careers of more than two hundred artists, past and present, with over six hundred color photographs, a timeline of important events, and twenty top-ten lists.

Queerness in Heavy Metal Music

Metal Bent

While the growing field of scholarship on heavy metal music and its subcultures has produced excellent work on the sounds, scenes, and histories of heavy metal around the world, few works have included a study of gender and sexuality. This cutting-edge volume focuses on queer fans, performers, and spaces within the heavy metal sphere, and demonstrates the importance, pervasiveness, and subcultural significance of queerness to the heavy metal ethos. Heavy metal scholarship has until recently focused almost solely on the roles of heterosexual hypermasculinity and hyperfemininity in fans and performers. The dependence on that narrow dichotomy has limited heavy metal scholarship, resulting in poorly critiqued discussions of gender and sexuality that serve only to underpin the popular imagining of heavy metal as violent, homophobic and inherently masculine. This book queers heavy metal studies, bringing discussions of gender and sexuality in heavy metal out of that poorly theorized dichotomy. In this interdisciplinary work, the author connects new and existing scholarship with a strong ethnographic study of heavy metal’s self-identified queer performers and fans in their own words, thus giving them a voice and offering an original and ground-breaking addition to scholarship on popular music, rock, and queer studies.

D. Jordan Redhawk, a popular author of lesbian romance fiction, published her
book Warlord Metal in 2001. It is the story of Torrin, a heavy metal guitarist, and
Sonny, the sister of a heavy metal band member. The two meet, have a sexual ...

100 Tahun Musik Indonesia

Bayangkan jika musik tak lagi mengisi hari-hari manusia? Mungkin, akan banyak kejenuhan di sudut tempat, atau bahkan berkurangnya alternatif untuk melipur kesedihan. Tak dipungkiri, musik adalah bagian yang tak terpisahkan bagi jiwa. Banyak peristiwa musik di Indonesia yang terjadi dalam kurun waktu 100 tahun. Mulai dari pencarian jati diri saat masih dalam belenggu kolonialisme, problematika yang tak kunjung usai tentang wacana musik nasional, juga masalah pelanggaran hak cipta dan pembajakan. Meski begitu, musik Indonesia terus berkembang dan semakin menunjukkan eksistensinya hingga sekarang. Buku ini merangkum sejarah panjang musik Indonesia. Perjalanan musik jazz, keroncong, dangdut, soundtrackfilm, rock and roll, folk, indie, hingga musik panggung. Bahkan, buku ini pun menampilkan para musisi besar yang mewarnai jantung musik Indonesia seperti Gesang, Bing Slamet, Idris Sardi, Benyamin Sueb, Rhoma Irama, Achmad Albar, Jack Lesmana, Tony Koeswoyo, Iwan Fals, Chrisye, hingga Slank. Ada pula pembahasan tentang label-label rekaman di Indonesia, hingga lomba cipta musik dan menyanyi yang turut merangsang tumbuhnya seniman musik di Indonesia. Musik adalah jiwa. Mempelajari akar perkembangannya, akan membuat kita lebih menghargai dan memahami maknanya. -GagasMedia-

Dengan memanfaatkan komunikasi internet inilah, akhirnya yang membawa
kelompok White Shoes & The Couples Company mengedarkan album
perdananya lewat label Minty Fresh yang berada di Chicago, Amerika Serikat.
Label yang didirikan Jim Powers dan Anthony Musiala pada 1993 ini tertarik
dengan musikalitas White Shoes & The Couples Company—kelompok indie
yang dibentuk pada paruh tahun 2000-an oleh beberapa mahasiswa Institut
Kesenian Jakarta.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Education

Music education takes place in many contexts, both formal and informal. Be it in a school or music studio, while making music with friends or family, or even while travelling in a car, walking through a shopping mall or watching television, our myriad sonic experiences accumulate from the earliest months of life to foster our facility for making sense of the sound worlds in which we live. The Oxford Handbook of Music Education offers a comprehensive overview of the many facets of musical experience, behavior and development in relation to this diverse variety of contexts. While the first volume primarily focuses on children during school-age years, this second collects an international list of contributors to explore how music learning takes place outside of the traditional classroom environment. Discussing a range of issues such as music education for the special needs population, music learning in adulthood, and music learning through media and technology these chapters help to broaden conceptions of music and musical involvement. Whether they are used individually or in tandem, the two volumes of The Oxford Handbook of Music Education update and redefine the discipline, and show how individuals across the world learn, enjoy and share the power and uniqueness of music.

The Oxford Handbook of Music Education offers a comprehensive overview of the many facets of musical experience, behavior and development in relation to this diverse variety of contexts.

Divining the Oracle

Monteverdi's Seconda Prattica

Claudio Monteverdi's historical position in music has been compared to that of Shakespeare in literature: almost exact contemporaries, each worked from traditional beginnings to transform nearly every genre he attempted. In this book, Massimo Ossi delves into the most significant aspect of Monteverdi's career: the development, during the first years of the seventeenth century, of a new compositional style he called the seconda prattica or "second manner." Challenged in print for the unconventional aspects of his music, Monteverdi found himself at the center of a debate between defenders of Renaissance principles and the newest musical currents of the time. The principles of the seconda prattica, Ossi argues in this sophisticated analysis of Monteverdi's writings, music, and approaches to text-setting, were in fact much more significant to the course of Monteverdi's career than previously thought by modern scholars-not only did Monteverdi continue to pursue their aesthetic and theoretical implications for the rest of his life, but they also affected his dramatic compositions as well as his chamber vocal music and sacred works. Ossi "divines the oracle" of Monteverdi's ambiguous theoretical concepts in a clear way and in terms of pure music; his book will enhance our understanding of Monteverdi as one of the most significant figures in western music history.

Palisca, Claude V. “The Artusi–Monteverdi Controversy.” In The New Monteverdi
Companion, Ed. Denis Arnold and Nigel Fortune, 127–58. London: Faber and
Faber, 1985. ———. The Florentine Camerata. New Haven: Yale University
Press, ...

Teknik & Etik Profesi TV Presenter

Menjadi TV Presenter yang baik dan menarik tidak mudah. Oleh karena itu, buku ini perlu dibaca dan dipelajari oleh siapa saja yang berminat menjadi TV Presenter yang andal dan profesional. Isinya dapat dijadikan rujukan praktis dan sederhana, karena mengulas berbagai seni dan prinsip dasar bagaimana menjalankan profesi sebagai TV Presenter yang baik dan menarik sehingga apa yang dikomunikasikan dapat dipahami, disukai, dan dipercayai oleh khalayak pemirsa TV. (Prof. Sasa Djuarsa Sendjaja, Ph.D. Guru Besar Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP UI, mantan Ketua KPI Pusat ) Buku Teknik & Etik Profesi TV Presenter hadir pada waktu yang amat tepat. Pertama, karena penulisnya adalah tokoh idola saya dan mungkin idola begitu banyak penonton serta pemirsa Televisi di masa kejayaan TV Publik (TVRI). Artinya, penulis buku menyampaikan pengalaman empirisnya yang benar-benar memesona pada saat itu. Bahkan tidak berlebihan saya menyatakan,kalaupun periode itu dipenuhi stasiun TV komersial seperti sekarang, penampilan Anita Rahman tetap akan menonjol. Jernih suaranya, tepat lantun nadanya, serta terlihat pas (dapat dibaca “etis”) pada setiap kesempatan. Kedua, buku ini memancing perbandingan, antara pengalaman dan hal-hal yang Anita Rahman usulkan, dengan kenyataan bagaimana para Presenter Televisi kita harus membawakan berita atau aneka acara dewasa ini : pada kasus terorisme, musibah tsunami, serangan kampanye negatif pilpres, pelecehan seksual anak dan sebagainya, Ketiga, buku ini diperkaya dengan aturan dan beberapa teori universal, plus kisah-kisah anekdotikal sebagai pelengkap sekaligus membuatnya menjadi mengalir. Terima kasih atas sumbangan signifikan antarmasa ini, yang akan memancing efek heuretik bagi para Presenter TV sekaligus ilmuwan lainnya. (Effendi Gazali, Ph.D., MPS ID, Peneliti Komunikasi Politik, UI dan Visiting Professor di Jeju National University Korea, alumnus Cornell University, NY, USA. & Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands) Seorang Presenter TV tidak hanya dituntut menguasai teknik presentasi, melainkan juga etik profesi sebagai wujud tanggung jawab kepada publik. Buku yang ditulis praktisi berpengalaman, seperti Ibu Anita Rahman ini patut diapresiasi karena akan memberi pengetahuan dan spirit yang bermanfaat bagi yang sedang dan akan menggeluti dunia Presenter Televisi. (Dr. Dadang Rahmat Hidayat, SH, S.Sos, M.Si. Ketua Departemen Jurnalistik Fikom Unpad, Bandung, mantan Ketua KPI Pusat) Anita Rahman, ikon yang lebih luas dari kotak televisi. Bahkan suaranya, untuk tidak mengatakan tarikan napasnya, dikenali masyarakat. Juga tatapan mata yang memberi garis bawah apa yang disuarakan. Kalau kini “si mata belok”, menurunkan ilmu dalam sebuah buku, itulah yang ditunggu. Sesungguhnya ini tradisi yang baik dari para suhu pertelevisian. (Arswendo Atmowiloto, Pengarang, Pengamat pertelevisian) Dalam profesi apa pun, pemahaman teknik dan etik menjadi hukum besi yang tak bisa ditawar. Apa lagi profesi TV Presenter yang menggunakan ranah publik. Pertanggungjawaban profesinya menjadi berlipat. Buku ini mengurai secara lengkap kedua dimensi tersebut. Contoh praktis dari pengalaman penulis yang mempunyai jejak rekam panjang di dunia penyiaran, menjadikan buku ini makin bernas. (S. Rahmat M., S.Si – Ketua Bidang Isi Siaran KPI Pusat)

Biasanya mereka memilih subyek yang berkaitan erat dengan latar belakang
pendidikan mereka, mis. seorang insinyur teknik sipil memilih berbicara tentang
seni bangunan. Dalam tugas saya sebagai instructor/trainer,pada latihan itu saya