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Research and Trends in Data Mining Technologies and Applications

Activities in data warehousing and mining are constantly emerging. Data mining methods, algorithms, online analytical processes, data mart and practical issues consistently evolve, providing a challenge for professionals in the field. Research and Trends in Data Mining Technologies and Applications focuses on the integration between the fields of data warehousing and data mining, with emphasis on the applicability to real-world problems. This book provides an international perspective, highlighting solutions to some of researchers' toughest challenges. Developments in the knowledge discovery process, data models, structures, and design serve as answers and solutions to these emerging challenges.

This book provides an international perspective, highlighting solutions to some of researchers' toughest challenges.

Data Mining Methods & Models

The book introduces readers to data mining methods and models, including association rules, clustering, K-nearest neighbor, statistical inference, neural networks, linear and logistic regression, and multivariate analysis. Taking a unified approach based on CRISP methodology, the book discusses the latest techniques for uncovering hidden nuggets of information and provides insight into how the data mining algorithms actually work with hands-on experience performing data mining on large data sets. · Dimension Reduction Methods · Regression Modeling · Multiple Regression and Model Building · Logistic Regression · Naïve Bayes and Bayesian Networks · Genetic Algorithms · Case Study: Modeling Response to Direct-Mail Marketing

The book introduces readers to data mining methods and models, including association rules, clustering, K-nearest neighbor, statistical inference, neural networks, linear and logistic regression, and multivariate analysis.

Data Mining in Bioinformatics

Written especially for computer scientists, all necessary biology is explained. Presents new techniques on gene expression data mining, gene mapping for disease detection, and phylogenetic knowledge discovery.

Written especially for computer scientists, all necessary biology is explained. Presents new techniques on gene expression data mining, gene mapping for disease detection, and phylogenetic knowledge discovery.

Desenvolvendo Aplicações com UML 2.2

Com um enfoque acadêmico, 'Desenvolvendo aplicações com UML 2.2' pretende apresentar os conceitos da UML, como o mapeamento de seus modelos para linguagens de programação. Esta edição aborda também alguns conceitos de orientação a objetos; a estrutura da UML por meio de seus elementos, relacionamentos e diagramas. Ao final de cada capítulo são apresentados exercícios com soluções (algumas comentadas); a transformação de modelos criados em UML em códigos escritos em duas linguagens OO do mercado - Java e Delphi; a diferença entre as versões da UML (1.4, 2.0 e 2.2) e ainda apresenta questões de concursos públicos. Este livro pode ser recomendado para analistas, gerentes e programadores que desejam iniciar ou aperfeiçoar seus conhecimentos em modelagem orientada a objetos, ou ainda pode ser utilizado como material de apoio para cursos de graduação, pós-graduação, extensão ou preparatório para concursos públicos.

Com um enfoque acadêmico, 'Desenvolvendo aplicações com UML 2.2' pretende apresentar os conceitos da UML, como o mapeamento de seus modelos para linguagens de programação.

Pajak, citra dan upaya pembaruannya (revisi dari buku Pajak, citra dan bebannya)

pokok-pokok pemikiran Salamun A.T.

Tax issues in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Tax issues in Indonesia; collection of articles.

Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design

Software development and information systems design have a unique relationship, but are often discussed and studied independently. However, meticulous software development is vital for the success of an information system. Software Development Techniques for Constructive Information Systems Design focuses the aspects of information systems and software development as a merging process. This reference source pays special attention to the emerging research, trends, and experiences in this area which is bound to enhance the reader's understanding of the growing and ever-adapting field. Academics, researchers, students, and working professionals in this field will benefit from this publication's unique perspective.

Information Systems are complex systems; the development ofthe Information
Systems according to the business needs is a very tedious and time consuming
task. These business applications, whether designed to be performed as a single