Sebanyak 2 item atau buku ditemukan

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Peranan Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Memasuki Era Pembangunan Abad XXI.

Role of higher educational institutions entering the 21st century in Indonesia; proceedings of a seminar.

( 5 ) Masalah - masalah di dalam dunia bisnis nasional Pelaku - pelaku di dalam
dunia bisnis nasional terdiri dari : ( a ) badan usaha swasta nasional ( b ) badan
usaha milik negara , dan ( c ) koperasi Masing - masing bergerak di berbagai ...

Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the most dramatic and potentially confusing-innovation in software development since the dawn of the computer age. Based on the idea of treating functions and data as objects, OOP results in programs that are more flexible, more easily maintained, and, on the whole, more powerful. Suitable for students, hackers, and enthusiasts, Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ is written by best-selling author Robert Lafore. Step-by-step lessons teach the Basics of Object-Oriented Programming with Turbo C++ and its new Windows-compatible sibling, Borland C++. Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ focuses on C++ as a separate language, distinct from C, and assumes no prior experience with C.

Suitable for students, hackers, and enthusiasts, Object-Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ is written by best-selling author Robert Lafore.