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Food Safety

Selected Countries' Systems Can Offer Insights Into Ensuring Import Safety and Responding to Foodborne Illness

Like other nations, the U.S. faces growing food safety challenges resulting from 3 major trends: (1) imported food makes up a growing share of the food supply; (2) consumers are increasingly eating foods that are raw or have had minimal processing and that are often associated with foodborne illness; (3) more of the U.S. population is, and increasingly will be, susceptible to foodborne illness. This report describes how Canada, the EU, Germany, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, and the U.K.: ensure the safety of imported food; respond to outbreaks of foodborne illness; and measure the effectiveness of their reorganized food safety systems. Also, identifies emerging food safety challenges that they expect to face over the next decade. Charts and tables.

Also, identifies emerging food safety challenges that they expect to face over the next decade. Charts and tables.