Sebanyak 774 item atau buku ditemukan

Listening in the Language Classroom

This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions. The book's central argument is that a preoccupation with the notion of 'comprehension' has led teachers to focus upon the product of listening, in the form of answers to questions, ignoring the listening process itself. The author provides an informed account of the psychological processes which make up the skill of listening, and analyses the characteristics of the speech signal from which listeners have to construct a message. Drawing upon this information, the book proposes a radical alternative to the comprehension approach and provides for intensive small-scale practice in aspects of listening that are perceptually or cognitively demanding for the learner. Listening in the Language Classroom was winner of the Ben Warren International Trust House Prize in 2008.

This book challenges the orthodox approach to the teaching of second language listening, which is based upon the asking and answering of comprehension questions.

Hukum perdata mengenai hukum perorangan dan hukum benda

On family law and property law according to Indonesian Civil Code.

On family law and property law according to Indonesian Civil Code.

Eksistensi kantor wilayah Departemen Hukum dan HAM dalam rangka pencegahan pelanggaran hak kekayaan intelektual

On the existence of Department of Justice office in order to prevent infringement of intellectual property rights in Indonesia.

On the existence of Department of Justice office in order to prevent infringement of intellectual property rights in Indonesia.

Korupsi dan penegakan hukum

Implementation of criminal law in the legal procedure of corruption cases in Indonesia; collected articles.

oleh aparatur negara atau " Overheidsbeleid " melalui Kebijakan Dewan Direksi Bank Indonesia , yang dituangkan sebagai ... yang bertalian dengan penggunaan dana - dana oleh lembaga - lembaga keuangan , kecuali badan - badan asuransi .

Tip Hukum Praktis: Masalah seputar Bisnis

Buku ini memberikan solusi sederhana dalam menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan hukum dalam sebuah bisnis. Buku ini bisa menjadi panduan sederhana bagi Anda yang memerlukan solusi praktis dalam menyelesaikan perkara-perkara hukum yang dihadapi. RAIH ASA SUKSES

Atas latar belakang tersebut, pada bulan mei 2008, pemerintah mengundangkan UU No.11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE), yang salah satu tujuannya untuk melindungi transaksi yang dilakukan melalui internet.